A Boy's Luck - Cover

A Boy's Luck

Copyright© 2024 by Arrow Poison

Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - The boy got lucky with his mother and sister

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Consensual   Fiction   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Anal Sex   First   Oral Sex  

Next two weeks were probably the best days of my life. Sheila visited me daily with Mansi. After the lunch Mansi would disappear for about an hour giving us ample opportunity to fuck our minds out.

I was worried on the first day as what Mansi would be thinking about me. But when she pretended to be ignorant of things happening between Sheila and me, I got bolder. Mansi and I developed a silent understanding, and she never talked about Sheila in my presence, even at the home.

One day, when Mansi brought lunch, she was alone. Sheila was not with her. Mansi informed that her husband had arrived last night and took Sheila with her. Suddenly, it was autumn again in my life ... the same monotonous routine was back. Each day, Mansi would bring the lunch and take back the dishes when I ate it, leaving me alone with my magazines and my hand caressing my cock from one orgasm to another.

However, one very important thing, which I failed to notice or rather, I should say that I noticed quite late, was the behaviour of my young sister, Mansi. Ever since Sheila left the village, she was behaving little abnormal, but I was so lost in my fantasies that could not sensed it.

Mansi was still bringing my lunch daily afternoon ... but she had become less talkative. She would watch me silently while I ate my lunch ... her eyes continuously boring into me when I was not looking at her. Whenever, I caught her eyes, she simply turned it away. There was something in her look, which appeared so familiar yet I could not guess it.

However, her changed behaviour had a positive side to it as she become more caring about my every need. She began staying late in the afternoon as if expecting some command from me. Even at the home she began showing more concern about my liking and disliking.

When I began to notice the change, I was a bit puzzled initially but didn’t care much as I was the sole beneficiary of her new avatar.

We never talked about Sheila ... especially I deliberately avoided the topic ... because it always made me conscious in front of Mansi. I knew that she was aware of things happened between Sheila and me, and probably that was the reason why she was behaving shyly in front of me.

One afternoon, when I sat for eating my lunch, Mansi left the room and went out. I finished my lunch and looked for Mansi, but she wasn’t there. I collected the lunch box and dishes and went out. I could not find Mansi anywhere. I took the dirty utensils outside the pump room and began cleaning them.

Outside of the pump room, my father had built a small size reservoir; around six feet by five feet and about four feet deep ... it looked more like a miniature swimming pool. It was mostly used for storing the water from the pump before directing it to fields by drain lines, but sometimes we used it as a big size bathtub when the days were pretty hot. It was always an exquisite feeling to stand in the tank feeling fresh water from the pump discharge splashing against my body.

While cleaning the dishes, I looked for Mansi. Finally, I could trace her ... she had climbed on the scaffold, and observing the far corners of our fields.

I finished cleaning the utensils; and went near the scaffold. I called Mansi to get down and collect the lunch box. She heard me and immediately lowered her legs on the wooden ladder connected with the scaffold. I was standing exactly below the ladder.

As she stood on the top bar of the ladder way and proceeded to climb down, I looked upward. Suddenly, my jaws fell open. Mansi was wearing a long skirt that day; and from my position, I could see inside her skirt ... her creamy white shapely legs ... joining at her delicate thighs and the pink coloured panties covering her pussy mound. My sex starved cock swelled to an immediate erection.

Unaware of my prying eyes, Mansi descended from the ladder continually giving me uninterrupted view of her hidden assets. My cock was throbbing inside my pants. When she came lower, I deliberately turned my head and moved away from my place. But I could feel my heart pounding in my chest like a drum, and I was breathing hard.

She got down from the ladder, picked the tiffin box and plates and looked at me. I gawked at her not knowing what to say.

“I’m going home.” She didn’t seem to notice my awkwardness.

I stood there watching her go ... my mind was in turmoil. Just now I had accidentally peeped inside my sister’s skirt and my body had responded amorously to that. I was still supporting a throbbing hard on.

I went inside the room ... striped my clothes and stood naked in the room. I desperately needed a release. I gripped my cock and began diddling it, trying to think about Sheila but every time my sister’s creamy thighs came before my eyes.

I fought hard to resist the temptation, trying to divert my thoughts towards Sheila ... but to no avail. I failed and finally surrendered to my lust and masturbated to a wonderful release while thinking about my beautiful sister’s creamy thighs and the delicious nest hidden behind her pink panties.

That episode changed my thinking about my sister. I realized That Mansi had grown up into a gorgeous woman ... a woman whom any man would love to fuck. That incident also made think more about my sister; and that’s when I gave a serious thought to her changed behaviour.

I realized that the main thing that was disturbing me was the way my young sister had been observing me ever since Sheila’s episode. After the scaffold episode, I could guess what it was ... certainly not a sisterly look at her brother ... it was a stare of a woman who looked at someone when she was in love. She was behaving more like a lovebird rather than an innocent sister.

It was only a hunch and I knew that it might be wrong. Still I made up my mind ... I would seduce my young sister ... and if succeeded I would fuck her. My earlier two hunches had proved correct ... my landlady in Mumbai and Sheila were alibi to that ... I therefore decide to try my luck with my sister.

After returning home in the evening, I continuously monitored her behaviour towards me. More I observed ... more I became firm in my belief that my gut feeling was right.

Next day, I eagerly waited for Mansi. She came around one thirty.

When I finished my lunch, Mansi proceeded to collect the plates. I stopped her.

“Don’t go now. I want to talk to you.”

She looked at me strangely and collecting the plates, she went out. She returned after five minutes, drying her hands with a towel.

“Come here.” I showed her place on the edge of the bed. She sat silently looking at me with curiosity. I sat beside her.

“Mansi ... ugh ... I...” I didn’t know how to began the conversation. “I ... mean ... did you hear from Sheila recently.”

“Why...?” She looked at me innocently.

“No ... just wanted to know whether she’s any plan to visit here.” I realized my body was shivering with a strange kind of excitement.

“Not now ... but she’ll come in winters.”

I looked into her eyes ... again I found that strange look ... a look as if trying to tell me something.

“That’s more than six months ... shit.” I swore impatiently.

“Why do you want her here?” Her voice was little agitated ... I again looked at my sister ... she appeared jealous ... no ... she was jealous of her friend.

“I miss her very much.”

She didn’t reply ... but didn’t look pleased either.

“Do you know why I miss her?” My heart began to beat faster.

No answer.

“I know that you’re aware of what happened between Sheila and me. And I’m sure that you had been peeping on us while I was making love with her.”

It stuck her at the right place; I carefully observed the changing colours of her face.

I felt bold.

“You spied on us ... isn’t it?”

She looked at me, then her gaze diverted behind me. I turned around. Mansi was looking at the small window, which was opening in the pump room. The window could be unlocked from the pump room itself. My baby sister had probably witnessed each and every fuck session between Sheila and me.

I looked back at Mansi. Her face was red with embarrassment. She tried to look back at me but turned her gaze.

“I’m going.” She rose from the bed and tried to leave. I immediately gripped her hand. She again looked at me.

“Please let me go.” She made a feeble attempt to withdraw her hand ... but I didn’t let her go. I could feel her whole body shivering violently.

I stood from the bed and pull her in my arms. She melted easily in my arms. I put my hands around her waist and gripped her body in my arms ... my lips hovering just above her moist lips. I could feel her hot breath burning my lips.

I gently lowered my lips over hers, kissing her soft rosy lips. Mansi closed her eyes ... her body shook violently in my arms.

My lips traced along her cheeks ... near her right ear.

The source of this story is Indian Erotica

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