Hanky - Cover


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Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - It is about a young man, his mother and sister-in-law

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   InLaws   First   Oral Sex  

As evening fell, Kalpana waited for Ashik to come home and as she saw him striding down the lane she started to feel uneasy. She gripped herself and on his nearing her she welcomed him with a big smile. Ashik was pleased on her presence and coming closer he stood in front of her looking deeply into her eyes.

Kalpana blushed on seeing him string and said ‘what are you looking at’?

‘Your beautiful face’, replied Ashik.

‘Am I beautiful’ she asked him?

‘Yes, you are very beautiful’ he replied.

‘Who do you think is more beautiful? Your mother or me’, she asked.

‘Why, it’s you’, he replied.

‘I think it is your mother who is more beautiful’ she said. ‘She is so gorgeous; I would like to feel I am like her’.

By this time Ashik had pictured his mother’s face in his mind and he blurted out ‘yes’.

‘Yes, what’ asked Kalpana?

‘She too is beautiful,’ replied Ashik.

‘What do you like in her’ she asked him moving closer.

‘I think it is her face’ he replied as he did not feel like commenting on any other part of his mother’s body.

‘Which part of the face,’ she asked him suddenly?

‘I think it’s her lips that are very attractive,’ he said as he had to answer her.

‘More than mine,’ she asked naughtily?

Ashik feeling that she was teasing him said ‘now that you mention it, her are better.’

‘Feel like kissing them’ she said moving her face upwards.

Ashik misunderstanding her said ‘I am waiting to kiss them.’

‘Then why don’t you go in and kiss her’ she said softly.

‘Kiss whom’ replied Ashik astonishingly?

‘Your mother’ whispered Kalpana in his ear.

‘You must be joking’ he replied.

‘No, I am serious. She will like it’ she said biting her lips.

Ashik recalled his mother’s face and before he could compose it in his mind, she said ‘she is very pretty and I am sure you will like it too.’

Ashik was getting tensed up. His mother’s face was what his mind was conjuring up and when he saw her face in his mind he was astonished to find himself getting aroused just thinking of kissing those lips. He looked deep into Kalpana’s face for an answer.

Kalpana brought her lips to his ears and nibbling them she said ‘yes, kiss her.’

Hearing those words Ashik held Kalpana by her shoulders and looking at her face deeply he asked ‘are you serious.’

‘Why, do you have any doubts’ she said lifting her eyebrows and looking elsewhere?

‘But how can I kiss her’ he replied.

‘The same way as you kissed me’ she said.

‘But you are different’ he replied.

‘How, am I not a woman like her’ she questioned him, this time biting his ear?

‘Yes, but she is my mother’ he replied.

‘And I am your sister-in-law’ she shot back, biting hard at his ear.

This made Ashik to tremble. He did not have reply to it. He stood still waiting for her to speak.

‘Why? Don’t you like kissing her’ she asked?

‘I do, but.’

‘But what’ saying this she slid her lips from his ears to his cheeks and asked ‘What’s so different between mine and hers?

‘You are willing and she ... he did not complete the sentence.

‘She is more eager than me, she said brushing her lips over his.

The talk about his mother and Kalpana’s nearness made Ashik aroused and holding her shoulders he said, ‘how can you be so sure about it?’

‘Because, today she saw you kissing me and we talked about it’ she replied. ‘What?’ he asked.

‘She saw you kissing me’ she replied firmly.

‘What did she say to it’ he shot back anxiously?

‘She said it was okay so far’ she replied coolly.

‘And’? He questioned.


‘Yes’, he was getting impatient.

‘And she said she wouldn’t mind if you kiss her,’ saying this she looked up at him.

Ashik was thunderstruck hearing her words. He could not believe what Kalpana had said. He asked ‘how can I kiss her.’

‘The same way you kissed me, like this’ she said kissing him on his lips.

‘But, I can’t. I don’t have the courage to up t her and kiss her, he said.

‘Don’t you want to,’ she asked?

‘Yes,’ he blurted out.

‘Then go, I will leave you both alone’ saying this she left him.

Ashik strolled inside. He did not know how to face his mother. Meanwhile his mother who had listened to their talk scrambled back into the kitchen and fetching two cups of coffee stood waiting for him. As Ashik came in handing him one cup of coffee she asked ‘where’s Kalpana?’

‘She went for a walk’ said Ashik.

‘At this time’ saying this she smiled.

Ashik seeing his mother smiling gathered enough courage and said ‘yes, she left abruptly.’

‘Poor girl, I think she is missing her husband very much’ said she looking up from the cup of coffee she was drinking.

Ashik felt her eyes gazing at him in a queer manner. Though he was sure that Kalpana had spoken the truth, he did not have the courage to look up at her. Seeing him in a pensive mood, his mother continued ‘I think she is missing him a lot.’

‘Whom, what’ Ashik looked up at her.

‘As is you don’t understand whom she is missing’ she said smiling at him vaguely.

‘Ah, yes’ he blurted out without saying much.

‘Every woman misses her husband’ she said looking steadily into his eyes. ‘It is a pity that Vijay had to leave her alone.’ She kept looking for his response and as he did not speak she said ‘Did you like it’ in a mischievous voice.

‘What’ asked Ashik sitting straight on the sofa?

‘What you did just a few moments ago’ she said sitting beside him.

‘What’ asked Ashik nervously?

‘You need not be so embarrassed about it, it’s but natural’ she said.

‘Yes’ stammered Ashik not knowing what she meant.

‘When did you first kiss her’ she shot him the question.

‘Me, no, I did not,’ he stammered again.

‘I saw you kissing her in the morning’ she spoke softly, nuzzling closer to him on the sofa.

‘No, I did. No, not ... his words were jumbled and were not clear.

‘There’s no point in lying, I saw you kissing her’ she said.

‘That, that was accidental’ he replied.

‘I know it was accidental, but did you like it? She asked.

Ashik then knew he was cornered, he said ‘yes’ bowing down his face.

‘Ah! That’s good. When did you first kiss her? She questioned.

‘She kissed me first when we went to the fort’ he said.

‘When was the next?’ she asked moving still closer. ‘This morning, I believe you saw it’ he muttered.

‘Did she tell you about it’ she asked?

‘Yes,’ he said.

‘What else did she say?’ she asked moving further closer to him.

‘She said that you would not mind if I kiss you’ he replied.

‘Did she tell you that?’ she spoke softly raising her eyebrows.

‘Yes,’ said Ashik.

‘Do you want to?’ she posed the question to him moving her face closer to his and wetting her lips with her tongue.

‘I cannot say no to it’ he said looking at her tongue wetting her lips.

This made her smile and naughtily she said ‘then what’s stopping you?’

Hearing those words made Ashik bold. He looked deeply in to her eyes and taking hold of her face in both hands, he moved one of his fingers over lips and said ‘they are so lovely.’

Madhuri sizzled as his fingers touched her lips. She let out a soft moan and closing her eyes and opening her mouth said ‘kiss me.’

Ashik gathered all his courage and leaning towards her face he placed his hot lips on hers.

Madhuri’s body convulsed on the touch of his lips on hers and she opened her lips wide. Seeing her response Ashik dug his lips on her and kissed her hard.

Madhuri screamed out in ecstasy and holding his face in her hands she kissed him back and as she was trying to poke her tongue into his mouth, she heard the tap at the door which suddenly stopped her from doing it.

Getting up she set her sari straight and opened the door for Kalpana to walk in.

Kalpana on entering took one look at Ashik and felt certain that he had succeeded in kissing his mother. This made her look up at Mrs. Madhuri and seeing her blushing face confirmed it.

Ashik seeing both the women eyeing each other silently got up and left them alone.

As soon as Ashik left Mrs. Madhuri smiled at Kalpana and thanked her with her eyes.

Kalpana blushingly accepted her remarks and as she turned she heard Madhuri saying ‘keep this under your skin.’

Kalpana nodded her head as she moved to her room.

At suppertime all three sat down nibbling their food and once it was over Kalpana got up and went to her room. Mrs. Madhuri was left alone to was and clean up the dishes. As she stood washing the dishes at the sink, Ashik was busy eyeing her features. This was the first time he was eyeing his mother with lewd eyes and what his eyes devoured was arousing him.

He saw his mother’s well built features keen eyes. He stared at her back which was exposed from the nape of her neck to the top of her blouse and onto her bare shoulders bones and moving down he saw the exposed part of her waist above her sari and looking further down at her well formed buttocks, his eyes were glued to the spot. Madhuri saw him looking at her from the reflection in the mirror and she took her own time cleaning up the dishes.

Precisely at that moment the power went off switching the room into total darkness. Mrs. Madhuri lit a candle and placed in on the edge of the table illuminating the place where she stood. Then as she proceeded with washing the dishes she intentionally moved her buttocks in a provocative way.

Seeing this Ashik was lured. He got up and coming behind her spoke ‘can I help you?’

Hearing him Madhuri said ‘thank you dear, it’s almost over.’ Saying this she turned and brushing his body with hers she smiled at him.

Ashik did not move away from her. He waited till she finished washing up and as his mother after drying her hands with a napkin turned towards him, Ashik mover to her. Madhuri smiled at him and seeing him so close by moved back a few spaces till her buttocks touched the sink. Ashik closed the gap between them and lifting his hand he brushed aside the drops of water glistening on her face and said ‘you are sweating.’

Mrs. Madhuri blushed and said ‘yes’ while her body was warming up on his closeness.

Ashik them moved his fingers over her cheeks and caressing them drifted his fingers onto her lips and said ‘they are so warm.’

‘Yes’ she hissed.

‘So warm and so moist’ he said parting her lips with his fingers.

‘Yes, yes,’ said his mother.

Trusting a finger inside her mouth he said ‘it’s hot inside.’

‘Yes, it’s hot’ she said as she felt his finger sliding inside her mouth.

As his finger penetrated her mouth, Madhuri closed her lips over his finger and started caressing it with her tongue slowly.

Feeling her hot tongue lapping his finger Ashik started squeezing her lips with his thumb and as she started moaning he moved his face close to hers. Madhuri felt his hot breath on her face; pushing out his finger from her mouth she opened her lips to his.

Ashik continued caressing her lips with his fingers. She opened her mouth wider. Ashik moved his lips over hers and touched them. Madhuri moaned and slid out her tongue and licked the inside of his mouth. Ashik then sliding an arm over her head rammed his hot lips over hers.

Madhuri sizzle at this force. She lifted her arms and holding his head tightly she sucked his lips inside her mouth. Her tongue ravished his mouth. Ashik on being aroused pulled her body unto his. He felt her robust breasts crash against his chest. He tangled her body tightly in his hold and as his pecker started vibrating, he trust his tongue deep inside her mouth lapped the inside corners of her mouth.

Madhuri felt him getting aroused. She felt him getting impatient and to bring him to pleasure she rubbed her thighs over his. Ashik felt the soft warm thighs on his. He suddenly slid his hand down and placing them over her buttocks he pulled her strongly to his body. His pecker slid on to her waist and feeling the hot flesh of her waist he started jerking on it. In no time he was on the verge of exploding and started moaning loudly.

Madhuri on hearing his moans and feeling he was about to cum encircled her arms over his back and drawing him closer to her she pressed her war soft breasts over his masculine chest. As he felt her rigid nipples Ashik gripped her buttocks and clutching them he lifted her up and rammed his pecker between her thighs till he spurted his cum in his pants.

Madhuri waited till his spasms subsided. Then releasing her hold on him she smiled at him and said ‘you are very naughty.’

Ashik stood still looking at her smiling face. His vision drifted down to her bosom. The top of her sari had slipped exposing the blouse to his vision. He placed a hand on top of the blouse. Madhuri squirmed in delight but also felt it was going out of her control to sustain him. She again caught his face in her hands and pulling it close to hers whispered ‘are you not satisfied?’

‘To this Ashik replied ‘let me see them?’

‘No’ hissed Madhuri half heartedly. ‘Just once?’ pleaded Ashik. ‘Why?’ questioned Madhuri caressing his cheeks. ‘Coz, I have not seen any’ he replied. ‘No not today. You have had enough,’ saying this she kissed him on his lips and turned to leave. ‘Then tomorrow’ asked Ashik?

Madhuri did not reply but smiling she moved to her bedroom. In the room after recalling all that had happened she felt bad. Though she was aroused and had enjoyed it she felt it was miserably wrong to have entangled her own son in such acts. She made up her mind not to provoke him further and to stop things from moving ahead.

The next morning Ashik had to spend alone as both Kalpana and his mother did not move out of the kitchen. In fact they were embarrassed to face him and Ashik had to be content being left alone. When Kalpana served him breakfast she did not even look up at him. Ashik hurriedly finished his breakfast and without saying a word he left home.

On his return home the same circumstances prevailed. He did not find Kalpana but his mother brought him a cup of coffee and leaving him alone she went back into the kitchen. Ashik sensed the change in their attitudes and he resigned himself to the sofa and watched the T.V. Watching it he felt drowsy and within a few minutes was fast asleep.

Mrs. Madhuri had watched his actions and on seeing his gloomy face her heart cried out for him. She then realized that it was her fault that had made Ashik so provoked. She felt she was to be blamed solely for it. As she was recalling his actions she saw a gloomy figure of Kalpana walk into the kitchen. Seeing both them lifeless her melted. She then upped her ante and smiling at Kalpana said ‘everything will be fine, cheer up’.

This brought life into Kalpana’s cheeks and blushing red she moved away from her mother-in-law.

Soon it was time for dinner. Mrs. Madhuri asked Kalpana to call Ashik but she came back saying he was asleep.

‘You should have wakened him’ she said.

Kalpana blushed.

Madhuri became conscious of the circumstances and smiling at her said ‘you finish your dinner; I will wake him up later.’ She emphasized on the word later.’

Kalpana was quick to grab the meaning. She hurriedly finished her dinner and went up to her room delighted.

Mr. Madhuri looked upon herself. Her sari was unfurled and her hair was curled up. She smoothed her sari and dousing some perfume and tidying up her hair, she went to wake her son.

The source of this story is Indian Erotica

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