An Unwanted Affair - Cover

An Unwanted Affair

Copyright© 2024 by Arrow Poison

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A horny father-in-law makes his homely daughter-in-law his personal slut

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Coercion   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Cheating   Cuckold   Slut Wife   InLaws   Anal Sex   Oral Sex  

Things were back to normal for a while. Father-in-law resumed his normal routine the day after, however, he was subdued. He talked very little with me or with anyone and spent most of his time with the kids.

It appeared that my threat had worked. I was happy that he was not troubling me now. I avoided him completely and spoke with him only when it was necessary. At times, it was a necessity as he was the master of the house. All the earning from the shop went to him only. He didn’t pay a single penny to Adeel. Therefore, if I needed anything, I had no other option than to ask him for money.

This situation didn’t last for very long. Gradually, father-in-law returned to his nasty antics. One day, I found him roaming around the kitchen with only a tahmed on his body, and an unmistakable bulge in front of his crotch. When he saw me, he smiled gleefully and went to the common bathroom.

I was annoyed but knew that it was futile to talk to him unless he did something nasty. I avoided him by mostly remaining inside my room. If for any reason I had to go to his room, I made sure that I left it as quickly as possible.

After the previous incident, I was somewhat assured. Father-in-law might be a horny old man, and probably he was having the hots for me, but he would never like to be exposed in front of his son. Therefore, I was sure that he would not dare touch me. As far as his horny behaviour towards me was concerned, I thought it would be better to overlook it.

One afternoon, after having finished cooking lunch, I decided to retire to my room. My children, except Shama, were at my parents’ house, spending their winter vacation.


I was about to open the door to my bedroom when I heard his voice.

“Yes.” I replied loudly.

“Please come here...”

“In a minute...” I said reluctantly.

I went into my room and waited for some time hoping that he would not call me again. After about five minutes, he called me again. I walked over to his room.

Father-in-law was lying flat on his stomach. As usual, he was wearing only his tahmed. His face was grimacing with pain.

“What do you want?” I pulled the drape covering his door to one side and asked.

“Beti (daughter), it’s hurting very much.” His hand touched a place at his back. “Please...”

His eyes wore a pleading look.

I recalled the incident which took place a few days ago. I was about to refuse when he moaned loudly.

I relented.

I sat on the side of his bed, took the cream from him and began applying it to his back. He closed his eyes and relaxed. I applied it for about five minutes. None of us spoke anything.

Finally, I asked. “Is it okay?”

Father-in-law opened his eyes and looked at me.

“It’s better, you can go now.”

I stood and began to walk toward the door. Father-in-law tried to get off the bed. All of a sudden, his leg got stuck in his tahmed, and he stumbled. He gripped the bed’s headrest to support himself. As he tried to keep his balance, his foot pulled his tahmed, and the loosely tied cloth fell off his waist.

I stared at him; my eyes went wide with horror.

Father-in-law’s tahmed was lying near his feet. He was standing beside his bed without a stitch of clothing on his body. His circumcised mammoth manhood was sticking out of his dark crotch like a flag pole.

I was dumbfounded with shock. I wanted to cry, but nothing came out of my mouth.

Father-in-law immediately bent forward and picked his tahmed from the floor, and wrapped it around his waist. His massive cock disappeared behind the thin cloth, but a big tent in front of his crotch remained.

I dashed out of his room, crossed the courtyard scurrying to my bedroom. Hurriedly locking the doors from inside, I slumped on my bed. My whole body was shivering violently.

I closed my eyes and tried to catch my erratic breathing. As I closed my eyes, the naked figure of father-in-law began dancing in front of my eyes. Terrified, I forced my eyes open.

When I got back to my senses, I tried to review the events. I was confused. The way it happened, it appeared almost natural. I saw him stumble; I saw the way his tahmed got stuck in his foot and then slid off his waist.

But, he had an erection, a massive erection.

My face turned red just by thinking about it.

Did he plan it?

I could not decide. I had no doubts that my father-in-law was still entertaining amorous thoughts about me. It meant he had gone back to his old ways.

“The bastard needs another rap on his knuckles.” I thought angrily.

I decided to confront him again.

I was about to open the door when I heard the sound of the telephone ringing. Before I could go out, father-in-law took the call.

He listened to the caller on the other side, then said, “Wait for me ... I’ll be there soon.”

I heard him go back to his room. I remained inside my room waiting for him to return. After a while, I heard his footsteps approaching and then stopping at the door.

“Close the door, I’m leaving.” He said, and then he was gone; no mention of the recent episode.

I came out of my room and closed the front door, went to the veranda, pulled an easy chair, and slumped on it.

My mind was in turmoil. I contemplated how to stop his evil advances. Should I tell everything to Adeel, or should I talk with father-in-law again and warn him again?

I was in great dilemma. I knew it wouldn’t be easy for me to convince Adeel that his father was sexually interested in me. He won’t believe me. No one would believe such an allegation. His father was a well respected man in our society.

After much deliberation, I decided that I would confront the old man again. I would give him a final warning. He must stop his perverted ways, otherwise, I would have no other choice than to report it to his son.

I hoped that my threat would work this time as it had worked last time. The old man would never like to face his son.

I waited for him, but he didn’t return. At three, my children came back from school and I got busy with them.

Father-in-law returned at eight in the evening along with Adeel. It appeared that there were some urgent work at the shop, and therefore, Adeel had asked for his help.

I cooked and served dinner. We all sat at the dining table and ate. Repeatedly, I found father-in-law staring at me. My face was flushed, and I could not meet his leering eyes.

At night, I was restless. I was shocked of what had happened in the morning; I even felt disgusted. However, watching a naked man had aroused me. That night, I desperately needed Adeel; I wanted him to take me in his arms, strip me and fuck me hard. I suddenly realized that he hadn’t fucked me for quite some time. I wanted to snuggle into his body just to make sure that I was protected. But, he was tired and completely oblivious of my state. He slept immediately.

I tried to sleep, but sleep eluded me. Every time I closed my eyes, the whole scene began playing like a movie in my mind: father-in-law’s tahmed falling off his waist and his throbbing cock suddenly getting exposed. A hot blooded mammoth rod with a bloated circumcised head. Why was he so interested in me, a mother of five? A man of his status could easily get a bride, and nobody would raise an eyebrow. In a society where a man is always considered young, he could marry a girl even younger than his own daughter, then why me?

Did he find me attractive?

I closed my eyes again, and as it happened before, his naked thick cock appeared before my eyes. I felt a mild tremor running through my body. Dampness began to seep between my pussy lips.

Shocked, I opened my eyes.

My heart was beating fast. I could even hear it. I cursed myself for the sudden lustful thought that crept through my mind.

I stared into the darkness unsure about what would happen the next day.

My mind was so occupied with my encounter with my father-in-law that I never realized when I drifted to sleep.

The next morning was hectic as usual. I helped my kids get ready for school, cooked and packed their tiffins, and saw them off when the school bus arrived. By that time, Adeel was also ready. He hurriedly ate his breakfast, and went out.

Father-in-law didn’t join us for breakfast. He came out of his room much later. His eyes were red.

What was he doing last night? Was he playing with his cock while thinking about me?

My face turned crimson at the thought. I cursed myself. Why was I thinking such evil thoughts? I must be losing my mind.

Father-in-law ate his breakfast silently. After that, he immediately retired to his room. The housemaid arrived little late that day. I gave her instructions and she began mopping the floor. I casually talked with her. I kept glancing in the direction of my father-in-law’s room. The doors were shut.

The housemaid finished her work and left. I locked the front door and went back to the kitchen. About fifteen minutes later, I heard his door open. Father-in-law came out of his room. He was in his tahmed with a towel hanging over his shoulder. He crossed the open courtyard and walked toward the common bath. I avoided looking at him directly, I watched him go into the bathroom from the corner of my eyes. For a moment, yesterday’s event became alive before my eyes. I shrugged my head trying to fend off the thought.

In a short while, I heard the sound of water. Father-in-law was taking his shower. He took his shower and then silently went back to his room.

Relaxed, I got myself busy with my daily chores. After about fifteen minutes, I heard him calling my name.


“Yes?” I replied unwillingly.

“Can you come over here?”

“No. Tell me what you want.” I shouted in a loud irritated voice.

The source of this story is Indian Erotica

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