Tale of Teenage Lust - Cover

Tale of Teenage Lust

Copyright© 2024 by Hardy Boys

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Jignesh is a young man that comes into some money. That changes his life drastically opening up opportunities to make his fantasies true. Women old and young fall for the strapping young man hoping score some of that money. But not all are alike.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Daughter   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Lactation   Massage   Oral Sex   Petting   Tit-Fucking   BBW   Big Breasts  

I was woken up late the next morning by Kalpana aunty. As I stretched, and yawned, I discovered to my dismay that my lungi had come off in the night, and I had used it as a sheet to cover me. She sat on the bed next to me holding a tray with a cup of tea for me and smiled warmly at me.

“Good morning beta,” she said sweetly.

“Good morning, aunty,” I replied trying to adjust the lungi, as I realized I was buck naked under it. And to add to my discomfiture, I had yet another raging morning hard-on, and it was making a tent under my lungi.

As Kalpana aunt placed the tray on the table, I saw her glance at the tent pole under my lungi. Turning to leave, she gave me a knowing smile, and said “You freshen up, beta and come down. I have kept breakfast ready for you.”

With a sway of her massive butt, she went out of the room.

I cursed myself as I got up, and headed for the toilet. As I pissed, I felt my hard-on subside. I washed my face, put on my clothes and went down. After finishing my breakfast, I headed back home.

As I approached my house, I saw the two maid girls, Pushpa and Rani, waiting near the gate, sitting in the verandah in front. Upon seeing me, they got up and Pushpa said “We are tired of ringing the bell sir ... we thought you must be sleeping.” and smiled mischievously.

I opened the door and let them in. I went to finish my morning ablutions as they got about their work. As I was brushing my teeth in the bathroom, the older girl, Rani came to the door, and said tentatively “Sir ... soap ... laundry soap is out.”

As my mouth was full of toothpaste foam, I pointed to the cabinet above the washbasin, and indicated to her that she could take it from there.

She walked in tentatively, and as I continued to brush my teeth, I could see her lift her hands up, and struggle to reach the shelf where the washing soaps were kept. Her ripe mango shaped breasts strained against the thin cloth of the yellow blouse she was wearing today. I shook my head and turned away.

Just as she was leaving the bathroom, I finished rinsing my mouth, and straightened.

She was, at that moment, trying to carefully squeeze behind where I stood bent forward on the basin, so that she could reach the door. As I straightened suddenly, and reached for the towel, I felt my elbow crush against her full ripe breasts. I startled, and so did she, letting out a small “Uhh.”

Apologizing, I tried to get out of her way towards the door, and in her hurry, she also tried to move in the same direction that I was, causing my forearm to press again on her breast. Both of us stood there frozen for a moment, my forearm still crushed against her breast, as we looked into each others’ eyes.

I let out a brief sigh, and raising both my hands above my head, said to her with a laugh “You first...”

She too let out a small nervous giggle, and with a fleeting glance on my bare chest, stepped out of the bathroom.

This little incident was enough to wake up junior, and he rose in my pyjamas, and I felt like getting a little naughty. As I sauntered to the kitchen, I saw the other girl, Pushpa, washing the dishes at the sink, with her back to me, softly humming a song to herself. She stood with that typical pose, hips pushed to one side, her long braid hanging in front of her by her shoulder. I crept up silently behind her, and grasping her with both hands by her slender waist, shouted “Boo...” in her ears.

She jumped up like a startled kitten, and with a scream, dropped the dish in her hand, which clattered to the floor noisily. As she pivoted around, she saw me grinning naughtily, and she instinctively hit me. I grabbed her hand as it came towards me.

She relaxed slightly as she realized what had happened, and placing her hand on her chest, said indignantly “Good god ... Jignesh saheb ... what are...” she stammered, her chest heaving.

Hearing the commotion, Rani came running into the kitchen. As she looked at us with a startled look, Pushpa started to rattle out in their native dialect “Arre Rani ... you know what this Jignesh saheb did just now ... I thought I died...” and she proceeded to narrate the entire incident, looking at me with mock anger once in a while.

I stood there grinning.

On hearing what had happened, Rani clasped her hand to her mouth, and broke out giggling. She looked at me shyly, and still giggling, shaking her head in mock admonition, went back to washing the clothes.

I grinned naughtily at Pushpa once again, and went back into my room.

I changed into a pair of shorts and a tee, and was lying on my bed reading the morning newspaper, when Pushpa came into the room carrying a broom to sweep the floor. I smiled at her from where I was lying, and she responded with her trademark cock teasing smile. As she gathered up her ghagra, and sitting on her haunches, began to sweep the floor, I turned to my side, and propping up head on my hands, began to watch her. She glanced at me, and seeing me looking at her with a hint of a smile, gave me one more of her pretentious shy smile. I continued to watch her.

After a while she became conscious, and turning to me, asked me with a mocking smile “What are you looking at saheb...”

“I’m looking at you...” I replied with a loaded smile.

“Why, what is it worth seeing in me?” she retorted with that same teasing smile.

“Too many to like...” I replied enigmatically.

“Like what?” she questioned me mockingly.

“I’ll tell you come near...” I replied, patting the side of my bed.

“I am not...” she replied cockily.

“OK ... don’t come, and you’ll never know...” I replied coolly, as I continued to look at her with laughing eyes. “The bitch was probably used to her village boys running after her,” I thought to myself.

“Please tell, saheb...” she pleaded, pouting her lips, and putting on a mock look of hurt on her face.

“Uh-uh...” I said, shaking my head in the negative; and patting the side of my bed again.

She dropped the broom, and stood up. Twiddling the braid of her hair, she glanced at the door once, and then looked back at me, with a hint of apprehension creeping into her otherwise cocky face. Then she quickly came towards the bed, and gingerly sat down at the edge.

“Ok tell me now saheb...” she whispered.

“And come closer...” I told her mockingly.

Once again, she glanced at the door, and then pushed herself closer to me, her hips touching my thighs. “Come on saheb ... tell me.” she pleaded.

I lay back and looked her. The slender bitch, with her perky tits in the oversized blouse exposed, along with her waist and belly, thanks to that village choli, her single long braid hanging over her shoulders in front of her, and reaching her lap; sure looked sexy.

Reaching out, I placed my palm on her slender bare arm, and began to caress it. “Do speak saheb...” she whispered again, squirming a bit as my touch made her skin tingle.

“Come closer...” I smiled, beckoning her to bend closer to me.

She hesitated, glanced at the door once again, and then with a shy smile, leant forward. Her pallu slipped off her shoulder as she did that, baring her small blouse-clad tits for me.

My hands had slid off her arms, and were now caressing her thighs, and I could feel her thin legs thru her ghagra. I could see a few drops of sweat beginning to form on her brow. As she started to pull her pallu back, I grabbed her hand, and shaking my head negatively, said “No, let it be...”

“But saheb ... Pushpa...” she started to protest weakly. The way she was sitting now, leaning forward towards me with her hands resting on the bed just near my face, I could see almost the whole of her pert little tits, and the valley between them, through the open hanging neck of her blouse. I looked brazenly at her exposed blouse, and then looked at her face; as if challenging her to stop me. She was beginning to breathe faster now, and there was a slightly scared look on her face.

Once again, she glanced at the door, and then turned back; but made no attempt to move away.

“You are very sexy, Puspha...” I said to her softly with a smile.

Her jaw dropped on hearing that, and her mouth opened as if to say something. But then she gathered herself, and with that same teasing smile, asked me “Sexy? What does that mean?” she asked with faked innocence, that same cock teasing half smile still lingering on her lips.

“Don’t know the meaning of sexy?” I challenged her.

“No saheb, do tell me...” she replied in a near whisper, again smiling teasingly.

“Well ... so you don’t know the meaning of sexy?” I asked again tauntingly.

“Uh-uh” she muttered, shaking her head in the negative again.

“I’m hard now...” I said, and sliding my hand up her thigh, placed it on the side of her exposed flat belly, kneading the flesh softly. She stiffened, and a sigh escaped her lips.

Once again she glanced nervously at the door, to confirm that Rani was not there, and turned back to me. I could see the goose-bumps come up on the skin of her arms.

“Still don’t know what you mean by sexy?” I taunted her, continuing to caress the side of her bare belly, and occasionally teasing her belly button and navel with my thumb.

She shook her head again, “No...” she whispered, her eyes boring into mine.

“Sexy means ... when looking at you, you make me...” and looking into her eyes, which were like hot coals, I took her right hand in mine, and placed in on my erect manhood which was throbbing inside my shorts.

Since I was not wearing my underwear, my cock could be felt clearly in my shorts. She jerked instinctively as I did that and tried to pull her hand away, but I held it firmly in place. A soft hiss escaped her lips. This time, she jerked her head around, and very nervously looked at the door.

“Now understand what I mean by sexy?” I asked her in a taunting voice.

She had lost her cockiness, and looked at me with a pleading expression. She nodded her head quickly, and said “Yes saab ... got it...” relaxing a bit. As I felt her stop struggling, I released her hand which I was holding pressed to my cock. She made no attempt to remove it, and kept it where it was.

Seeing this, I decided to go one more step, and slowly slid my hand which was caressing her waist, up her torso. My fingers reached the bottom of her blouse, and in one swift motion, my hand shot up and cupped her small young breast.

She jerked once again as I did that, and a soft moan escaped her lips. Her fingers which were resting on my throbbing cock, involuntarily closed around it and grasped it tighter, as my fingers closed around the pliant flesh of her young tits. She was beginning to breathe faster now.

I began to fondle her tits in a gentle teasing manner. Her blouse was loose around her tits, and so I could get a good feel of the shape and firmness of them. They were small (about 31-B) but firm, and easily fit into my cupped palm. She kept glancing back towards the door intermittently, and her hand inadvertently closed and opened on my cock. I was curious to see for how long she would let this go on.

Suddenly we heard Rani call out from the wash area “Pushpa ... O Pushpa...”

In a flash; she jumped up from the bed, and ran out.

I laughed to myself. I got up from the bed, and followed her. Rani was asking her to rinse the washed clothes and hang them in the balcony to dry, so that she could go and mop the floor. As Pushpa was rinsing the clothes in the wash area, I went up to her. She sensed me behind her and turned; a scared expression on her face. I just smiled, and pulling out my wallet, gave her a 100 rupee note.

As I turned to leave, I told her “Remember what I said yesterday ... you make me happy ... and I’ll make you happy...”

She smiled slowly, a knowing look on her face, “Got it, saheb...” she responded, tucking the note inside her blouse.

I went back and lay down on my bed in my room. In a while, Rani came in, carrying a bucket of water and a mop, to mop the floor. She hesitated as she saw me lying on the bed. I pretended not to notice her and continue to read the newspaper. As she sat down and began to mop the floor, I watched her from the corner of my eyes. I could see her keep glancing at me more than once as she went about her job. As she came to the area near the bed, she paused, and stood there hesitating. I could sense that she wanted to say something, but was not able to gather the courage to say it. I casually put the paper down, and looked up at her. As she stood there fidgeting with her hair, which was tied in a long single braid, and hung from her shoulders in the front, reaching up to her waist, I asked her with a smile “What’s up, Rani?”

She hesitated and then said “Saheb...” she paused.

“Speak Rani...” I prompted.

“Saheb ... For what you did for me yesterday...” she hesitated again “i am so thankful for that...”

“What are you saying ... what have I done for you?” I told her simply.

“No sir, you are very kind ... you hired me ... and I am also on paying me 250 rupees...” she said to me in a small voice, staring down.

“Wrong...” I corrected, “Not 250... 500 a month”, I said with smile.

“Saheb...” she began to speak, surprise on her face.

“Shhh...” I interrupted “Don’t tell her anything about it to Pushpa ... it’s between you and me ... Got it?” I instructed her.

“Yes saab ... got it.” she said with gratitude, her hand still clutching her mouth in surprise.

“And if you ever need anything let me know ... don’t be shy,” I told her in a warm tone.

She just nodded her head in gratitude.

Suddenly she darted forward, and leaning forward, placed her hand on my feet, said “Oh Jignesh saheb ... Thank you ... Thank you very much ... I don’t know how to thank you for this ever...”

“Hey what are you doing...” I interrupted her as I jerked my leg back.

“Come here,” I said to her with mock admonition in my tone “come sit here,” patting the bed next to where I was lying.

With a quick glance to the door, she slowly came and sat down tentatively on the edge of the bed. She was a dark girl, and looked incredibly sexy to me right now, with her long hair braided and lying on the front of her, and one ripe breast visible to me in her yellow blouse, straining to get free.

“Look Rani ... no need to say thank you ... you meet my needs ... and I’ll meet your needs ... that’s the way it is.” I said to her with a smile.

She looked up at me, and smiled for the first time. She looked at me and asked “How can i serve you saheb?”, and after a pause, she said “I will do whatever you say...”

My cock lurched inside my shorts when I heard that. “How old are you?” I queried.

“21 saheb” she replied.

At least she was of a fuckable age’, I thought to myself. “Are you married?” I asked further.

“Yes sir, but my husband kicked me out a month later,” she replied matter of factly. Then she proceeded to tell me her sad story, which was so typical of young girls in the village.

Apparently, she had been ‘married off’ to this boy at the age of 5 (child marriages were common with these nomads), and at the age of 18, she had been sent to live with her husband. He threw her out within a month on the same old sick grounds of dowry, and now she was living with her old parents. Thankfully, he had not left her pregnant. As she finished telling me about her background, I felt sad and aroused at the same time. Sad, because I felt bad for her condition. Aroused, because it meant she had experienced sex at least a couple of times, and would definitely be craving for it now. She smiled at me weakly when she saw me looking at her face intently.

Pushpa was in the balcony hanging the clothes, and I could hear her humming some village folk tune to herself. Taking my chance, I gently took Rani’s hand in mine, and placed it on my hard cock over my shorts.

“Will you help me Rani...” I asked her in a low hoarse voice.

Unlike that bitch Pushpa before her, Rani did not jump or struggle to pull her hand back. She just lowered her head, and letting her hand remain on my boner, said in a low voice “Yes saab ... I will,” She turned and glanced at the door once, and then sat there looking down with her hand still on my cock.

The source of this story is Indian Erotica

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