Tale of Teenage Lust - Cover

Tale of Teenage Lust

Copyright© 2024 by Hardy Boys

Chapter 31

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 31 - Jignesh is a young man that comes into some money. That changes his life drastically opening up opportunities to make his fantasies true. Women old and young fall for the strapping young man hoping score some of that money. But not all are alike.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Daughter   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Lactation   Massage   Oral Sex   Petting   Tit-Fucking   BBW   Big Breasts  

On an impulse, I stopped by the way, and picked up a bunch of flowers from a road-side seller for Sapna. Humming a tune to myself, I reached the lane where the store was located. Glancing at my watch, I saw that there was still five minutes to go to seven. We’d agreed to meet at a bus stop a few blocks away from where the store was. Pulling my bike up on its stand, I proceeded to wait for Sapna. Barely had a minute passed, before I saw Sapna, walking down the street towards the bus stop.

From the distance, I could see that she had draped a dupatta across her neck, over her uniform of the formal black trousers and white quarter-sleeved shirt, with the dupatta covering her head too. She had a pair of dark glasses on, with a black women’s vanity bag slung on her shoulder, and clutched under her armpit.

She was the picture of a typical young working girl who generally used public transport, complete with that ubiquitous dupatta and sunglasses, that were so essential for these young girls to protect themselves from the scorching summer sun. As she came near the bus stand, she spotted me, and even at the distance, I could see the smile of pleasure on her face. Taking off her sun glasses, she smiled at me nervously, as she said “Ohh, hello sir ... I hope I’m not late...” a tad breathless.

“Not at all, Sapna...” I replied smoothly with a warm smile. That’s when her eyes went to the bunch of flowers that I had propped up between the handle bar of the bike. Reaching out for the bouquet, I extended it to her with a smile, and said “This is for you, Sapna...”

Her dark sexy face flushed with joy, as she shyly accepted the flowers, and mumbled “Oh, sir ... thank you ... you are so...” her words getting jumbled at this unexpectedly chivalrous gesture from me.

As I looked at her, I could see that she’d taken some pains to brush her hair carefully in place, and had even applied a subtle shade of lip gloss on her lips. As she fidgeted with the flowers, too embarrassed and pleased to speak, I said to her “You look lovely, Sapna...” smiling warmly once again.

Despite her dark complexion, I could see the color rush to her cheeks at my compliment, and she managed to exclaim “Oh, thank you, sir...” giving me a genuinely pleased smile.

I didn’t want to hang around for too long at the bus stop, given that sooner or later, someone would spot us. Pulling on my helmet, I said to her “Shall we?” as I kicked the bike to life.

“Yes, sir ... sure, sir...” she replied quickly, having still not overcome her surprise at being given flowers by me. Adjusting her dupatta over her head to partly cover her face too, she gingerly sat on the bike in the ladies style, with both her legs on one side. I’d have preferred her to sit in the other way, with one leg on either side, but decided it was too much to ask for on her first date.

As I engaged gear and started moving, I felt her tentatively place her right hand on my shoulder for support, taking care to sit at a discrete distance. I had planned to take her to an exclusive restaurant on the outskirts of the city, which was not only discreet, but also served great food. Moreover, the proprietor of the restaurant was known to my father, and that meant that I would be served well.

As we rode, Sapna leaned forward slightly behind me, taking care not to get her breasts to touch my back, and said “Sir ... I still can’t believe this is true...” her hand still resting on my shoulder for support.

“Why do you say that, Sapna...” I asked casually, glancing at her in the rear view mirror.

She paused for a minute before replying “Umm ... I was not very sure if you meant what you said, sir...” her tone awkward as she paused once again. “I mean ... even though you promised me, sir ... I thought maybe you would forget...” she continued, speaking slowly.

I was silent for a moment as I mulled over what she’d said. It occurred to me that perhaps I was starting to take on the image of a classic rich spoilt playboy, who couldn’t be relied on to keep a promise. Letting go off the handle-bar for a moment, I reached over my shoulder with my left hand, and patting her hand which was resting on my shoulder, said wryly “Well, I guess I’m not such an asshole then...” my tone sarcastic.

“Oh, don’t say such things, sir...” she protested immediately, almost cringing at my words. After a pause, she added “I was just trying to tell you how glad I am, sir ... at you having invited me out...” her tone serious.

“I know, Sapna ... I know ... I was just teasing you...” I said with a little laugh, reaching up to pat the back of her hand on my shoulder once again.

Through the rear-view mirror, I could see a smile come on her face, while she glanced at the bouquet of flowers that she was clutching in her left hand between us. After a while, I felt her lean forward once again, and she said “Sir ... thank you so much for these flowers...” her tone soft.

This time, when she leaned forward to speak to me, I felt her firm bra-clad breasts brush against my back, and I found myself smiling inwardly.

“No one has ever given me flowers before, sir...” she added after a pause, her voice so low and her tone so genuine that I felt stopping the bike and giving her a huge hug. “Thank you, sir...” she said again softly, this time giving my shoulder a very subtle squeeze, as she sat back straight once again.

Not being able to think of anything else to say, I just said “It’s my pleasure, Sapna ... and if we have to be so formal ... then I guess I should be the one thanking you ... for agreeing to come out with me...” trying to smile at her through my helmet.

“Oh no, sir ... It’s my pleasure...” she responded automatically, but by the expression on her face which I caught in the rear view mirror, I could see that she was genuinely pleased. We rode the rest of the distance in silence, and all through the journey, she maintained that discrete distance. For some strange reason, it was a refreshing change for me; being quite unlike the unabashed display of attraction from someone like Amisha.

Soon we reached the theme restaurant that I’d decided upon, and as I got off the bike, I saw her undraping the dupatta, and shoving it into her large ladies bag, along with her sunglasses. The restaurant was situated in the midst of a lush green property and was aptly named ‘The Woods’. Lined by scores of trees, it was spread over acres of land, and had been turned into a home for scores of flora and fauna. As we walked down a tree-lined cobble-stoned path, we spotted a few peacocks displaying their magnificent feathers.

There was a moat of sorts that ran through the sprawling premise, and one could see flocks of geese along the waterline. I could see that Sapna was mesmerized by the surroundings, as she gushed “This is such a beautiful place ... I didn’t even know such a place existed here...” her eyes wide, soaking in the beauty of the serene environment.

It was the perfect place for a family picnic on the weekend. However, it being a week day, there were not too many people around. One could choose to dine in the large air-conditioned banquet hall, or choose to sit in tastefully designed bamboo huts that afforded privacy to those who wanted to spend some quite time together with their spouses or loved ones. I obviously chose the latter.

Dusk was settling in, and given the heavy tree cover in that patch of land, it was notably cooler once we got in. Each of those ‘huts’ were lit by a pair of discrete lamps that exuded old-world charm, and added to the mystique of the place. To sum it up, it was the perfect getaway for a couple with romantic inclinations. Watching Sapna, soaking in the serenity and beauty of the place, a wry grin came to my lips.

After all, how could this be the place for a horny bastard like me, who was just looking to fuck this impressionable young salesgirl? We were escorted to one of the ‘huts’ by one of the stewards, and as we took our places, a middle-aged man wearing an ill-fitting black suit came in. Upon seeing me, he smiled broadly and exclaimed “Oh, hello Mr. Desai ... what a pleasure to have you back here...” as he came up to me and enthusiastically shook my hand.

As I looked at him dumbly, wondering how the hell he knew my father’s name, he went on to introduce himself as the duty manager, and inquired about my father. I’d been here a couple of times with my family and friends, but never thought I’d be recognized. As we exchanged polite pleasantries, he turned towards Sapna and said “Hello, ma’am ... welcome to ‘The Woods’...” smiling politely.

Sapna, who was already overwhelmed by the sheer exclusivity of the place, could only nod dumbly, as she automatically mumbled a “Hello...” the embarrassment writ large over her place.

“Um ... this is my friend, Sapna...” I said, stepping in to avoid any further embarrassment to the poor girl, who was looking distinctly out of place.

The duty manager smiled pleasantly and looking me in the eye, said “Of course, sir ... It’s our pleasure to have Ms. Sapna here...” his eyes trying to convey that he perfectly understood my need for discretion.

I suddenly remembered that one of the times I’d come here with my family and some relatives for a private party, the proprietor had discretely arranged for some beer and wine, which was otherwise prohibited to be sold here.

“Umm ... I was wondering if it would be possible for you to arrange for a ‘welcome drink’...” I said to the manager, remembering the code-word for alcohol for discerning members.

Without batting an eye-lid, the manager smiled warmly and replied “Of course, sir ... it would be our pleasure...” nodding effusively “would you like to have the ‘welcome drink’ served in a bottle or a can sir?” he continued smoothly, the former being a reference to wine, while the latter referred to beer.

“A bottle, if you please...” I replied smoothly.

“Umm ... red or white, sir?” he inquired politely.

Glancing at Sapna, I saw her looking dumbly at the two of us, not having a clue about what we were talking about.

I was not even sure if Sapna had ever tasted wine in her life, and as I glanced at her, the manager took the cue and said “Um ... my I recommend red, sir ... we have some excellent variety in red which I’m sure the lady will love...” smiling pleasantly as he looked at me knowingly.

As Sapna looked at me, totally clueless, I smiled broadly and replied “Excellent ... I trust you to decide what’s best for us...” nodding at the duty manager. The exchange went on for a few more minutes, as the manager recommended some starters to go with the wine, before he left with a polite bow.

The orange glow of dusk had faded away by now, and darkness had settled in, lending a romantic air to the place. As I glanced at Sapna, who sat there fidgeting with her bag, I wondered what had made me bring a girl I barely knew, to a place like this. After all, this was the kind of place where you brought your girlfriend on a romantic date, perhaps on Valentine’s day or something. And here was I, sitting here with a 21-year old salesgirl, whom I’d just happened to meet at a store barely a week ago, with far from romantic intentions!

Shaking my head to dismiss those unwelcome thoughts, I turned to Sapna and said “I hope you liked the place, Sapna...” smiling warmly.

She was noticeably flustered at the grandeur of the place, and took a while to respond.

“Oh yes, sir ... It’s a lovely place ... It’s beautiful...” she finally said, still clutching that bouquet of flowers that I’d given her, in her lap.

Pulling my chair closer to her, where she sat on the adjacent side of the table, I said to her “Umm, Sapna ... I took the liberty of asking for some wine ... I hope you don’t mind that...” placing my elbows on the table top, and leaning forward slightly.

“Ohh...” she exclaimed, that flustered look clouding her sensuous dark face again. “I ... umm ... I have never ... I mean ... had wine before...” she finally said, the discomfiture writ large over her face.

Reaching out to place my hand on the back of hers, I said “That’s alright, Sapna ... just try it ... if you don’t like it ... you don’t have to...” patting the back of her hand. As she nodded automatically, I smiled at her and said “Relax, Sapna ... you don’t have to force yourself to do anything ... anytime you feel uncomfortable with anything ... just tell me, OK...” trying to put her at ease.

“Yes, sir ... I mean ... I’m fine, sir ... thank you, sir...” she said, fumbling with her response. As I smiled, and pulled my hand away, she looked at me, and added “It’s just that ... I have ... I have never been to place like this...” her discomfiture somewhat alleviated. Looking at me wistfully, she added “What I meant is ... nobody has ever taken me out like this...” a wry grin on her chiseled dark face. I was dreading if she’d ask if I had been here many times with other girls. Mercifully, she did not.

Soon, a tastefully attired waiter arrived, discretely carrying a bottle of some Shiraz. I made a mental note to thank the manager for his choice, realizing that the wine he’d sent was perfect for the uninitiated; not dry, and with a hint of fruity sweetness that novices would find more agreeable. Sapna watched in fascination as the waiter uncorked the bottle and poured the wine into the fine long stem glasses. As he left, I picked up my glass, and raising it for a toast, said “Here’s to you, Sapna...” smiling at her warmly.

Picking up her own glass, she raised it awkwardly, and replied “Oh, thank you, sir...” not knowing what else to say. As she took the first tentative sip, I watched her.

Realizing I was waiting for her to say something about the wine, she said “Umm ... It’s nice, sir ... I mean ... It’s not sweet ... but it’s nice...” soaking in the first taste of wine.

As I smiled, she added “I like it, sir...” taking one more sip as if to reassure me. Somewhat relieved, I leaned back in my chair and stretched my legs. My leg grazed against hers under the table as I did that, and I noticed that she made no attempt to pull her leg back. Soon the starters arrived, and as the evening progressed, I saw Sapna beginning to relax slowly.

To my pleasant surprise, she agreed to a second glass being poured for her, and I could see she was now beginning to unwind. She began to speak more freely with me, though never dropping the ‘Sir’ bit, and told me more about herself. Hers was the classic story of someone who’d been forced to start working part-time while she was in school, to help make ends meet in her household.

She came from a small nearby industrial town, and had dropped out of school to take up working full-time, once her father lost her job when the factory that he worked in, was forced to shut down. She’d come into our city about a year back, and lived at a working women’s hostel. The matter of fact manner in which she told me about her circumstances, without any hint of melodrama, made me respect her all the more. With a glass of wine inside her, she was distinctly more talkative now, and I for once was doing all the listening.

Taking a sip from her recently refilled glass, she sat forward and said “You know, sir ... all those generous tips you gave me ... with that, I bought a watch for my father, a saree for my mother, a suits for both my younger sisters...” the pride and joy evident in her eyes. I’d been tipping her with the sole intent of fucking her, and when I heard her speak with such uninhibited satisfaction about what she’d used the money for; I couldn’t help but hate myself for the unscrupulous bastard that I was.

Watching her speak with an open heart, I wondered what kind of impression she would have formed about me. As she spoke, she adjusted herself in her chair to get more comfortable, and I saw her reach up to unbutton the top most button at the neck of her formal women’s shirt, and then pull her collar forward to adjust her top to a more comfortable position. I was reminded of the first time that I’d met her, when I had taken Jigna to the store.

On that visit, I had noticed how she had left the top button of her shirt open in a similar fashion, and had automatically interpreted it to be a flirtatious, if not seductive, gesture. In my mind, I had automatically formed the stereotyped impression of her being an easy-lay; someone who’d willingly drop her pants provided I threw enough money at her.

But now, I was beginning to see her in an altogether different light. As she adjusted the sleeves of her well fitting white formal top, I realized that the opening the button of the shirt was probably just to get comfortable, since the top was stretched taut across her firm breasts. Given that she was so attractive, she could have easily chosen to make some extra money by whoring herself with moneyed bastards like me.

But the more I was beginning to observe her, the more convinced I was about how wrong I had been in my assessment of her. It’s a well know fact that sales girls are trained to titillate men, so that we loosen the strings of our purses, and become more generous that we otherwise are. Sapna’s mannerisms in the store, were perhaps just that; a trained response when dealing with male customers.

I was so engrossed in my own thoughts that I hadn’t realized my mind had wandered off. I felt hand on my palm and shaking me gently. “Sir...” she enquired, a hint of a smile on her lips, as she gazed at me with something like amusement.

“Uh, yes...” I responded, coming out of my reverie and sitting up in the chair.

“I’m sorry, sir ... I didn’t realize ... I have been boring you with my talk...” she said with an embarrassed smile.

Shaking my head, I sat forward, and taking her slender fingers in my hand, I said “No, Sapna ... you are not boring me ... I’m just happy that you are beginning to treat me like a friend now...” giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. She looked into my eyes for a moment, as if trying to read them and figure out if I was for real.

Dropping her gaze to the empty chair on the other side, on which the bouquet which I’d given her lay, she said “Sir ... I’m the one who’s grateful to you ... for treating me like a friend ... and not like a...” her tone sincere as left her sentence unfinished. There was an awkward silence, as I too didn’t know what to say, my heart waging a raging battle with my mind.

Mercifully, the waiter arrived with main course, and we soon tucked into the delicious food, the wine having whetted our appetite. After the waiter left, having refilled our glasses once again, Sapna said to me “I’m so glad that you introduced me to wine, sir ... It’s ... It’s really nice...” smiling uninhibitedly for the first time that evening.

Watching her smile, I realized that the wine had indeed loosened her up, and was probably giving her the kind of feel-good buzz that only good wine can give. “I’m glad you liked it...” I said simply, gazing at her fondly. As I watched her eat, I saw that her movements had become more languid, the wine starting to assert itself.

The rest of the evening progressed pleasantly enough, and by the time we finished dinner, I knew that I was going to sleep well that night, thanks to the excellent wine and the sumptuous food. As I was settling the bill, Sapna noticed the generous tip that I left behind, and commented “You’re very kind, sir...” instantly associating herself with the waiters who had attended to us that evening.

The source of this story is Indian Erotica

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