Tale of Teenage Lust - Cover

Tale of Teenage Lust

Copyright© 2024 by Hardy Boys

Chapter 28

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 28 - Jignesh is a young man that comes into some money. That changes his life drastically opening up opportunities to make his fantasies true. Women old and young fall for the strapping young man hoping score some of that money. But not all are alike.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Daughter   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Lactation   Massage   Oral Sex   Petting   Tit-Fucking   BBW   Big Breasts  

Reaching home, I stripped off my clothes and headed for a much needed shower. My body was sticky with sweat and oil, and I was dying to cleanse myself. As much as I had enjoyed my romp with Radhika aunty and her two hot girls, I was sure that I would not be going back there very soon. But at the same time, I made a mental note to recommend this place to a couple of my friends anyways. There was no harm in keeping Radhika aunty happy, I surmised.

I spent the rest of the day catching up on some errands which had piled up. There were the usual plethora of bills which had to be paid, tasks that I’d never even known existed before my folks left for our village. And I knew that by the time I’d be through with my errands, it would be past lunch time. So I made it a point to call up Kalpana aunty through their neighbour, and inform her in advance that she did not need to come with my lunch for the day.

I took the opportunity to also tell her to ask her if it was OK for me to go over to their place for dinner, a request which she accepted more than willingly. Once I was through with my errands, I used the free afternoon time to catch up with an old school friend of mine, who’d been calling me over to his house for a while, since he’d just gotten hold of a couple of new video games.

Video games were the rage those days, and like most others my age, I too was addicted to them. Moreover, I had an added incentive in going to his place, because I looked forward to seeing his twin sister, Mona; who though not terribly attractive, was the most flirtatious girl I’d come across. Also, his mom was terribly fond of me, and I loved going there just for enjoying the fantastic food she cooked.

Having spent the day at my friend’s place, it was nearly half past seven in the evening when I finally reached Kalpana aunty’s place. Her husband, Jatin bhai opened the door. For a change, he looked fresh and clean today, quite unlike the slovenly manner in which he usually was around the house. He was dressed in a freshly starched white kurta and pajama, and even seemed to have pampered himself with a hair cut and a shave.

“Welcome, Jignesh bhai, welcome...” he greeted me effusively as he opened the door, and embraced me warmly. With his massive pot belly, it was difficult for anyone to embrace him, and I couldn’t help but notice the cheap cologne from the nearby hair cutting saloon on him.

“Hello, uncle, you look very cheerful today...” I said with a smile, as he closed the door behind us.

“Yes, yes...” her responded immediately “today was a good day...” as he tool hold of my hand and led me inside.

In all fairness, he was a very friendly sort of chap, but I couldn’t help but wonder how friendly he would’ve been had I not been helping him out financially. As he led me to their battered old sofa, he continued “All thanks you, Jignesh bhai, all thanks to you...” sitting down heavily by my side on the sofa. “You know you had lent me some money...” he started enthusiastically “well today, my bank loan got sanctioned, and I have paid of all my creditors...” his voice happy.

“Not only that, I have also managed to make a small down payment to Vinod saheb...” referring to someone with whom he’d been contemplating investing in setting up a warehouse of sorts to collect and re-sell scrap. “He has agreed to make me a partner in his business, so now I am going to do big business...” he announced boisterously, his fat face beaming.

“Oh, that’s great news, uncle, I’m really happy for you...” I said, relieved that this man seemed to be at least making good use of he money I’d lent him.

“Bless you, Jignesh bhai, all thanks to you...” he responded enthusiastically, grabbing hold of my hand and pumping it vigorously.

Before I could respond, Kalpana aunty came into the room. To my pleasant surprise, she too was dressed rather well today. She was wearing what seemed to be a brand new saree, and there was a general air of freshness about her. She had that same look of warmth in her eyes and a bright smile on her face, as she entered the room, carrying a tray with a glass of water for me. I stood up upon seeing her, and as I took the glass from the tray, she looked at my face, and smiled at me the way only she could; right from her heart.

There was a cheery air about their house today, and it felt really good to see my loving Kalpana aunty in such a good frame of mind. It was quite unlike the general image I had of her; a poor hardworking housewife, who seemed perpetually drenched in sweat from the drudgery of her household work, and also having to work over time cooking food for people, to support her family. Her hair was tied in the ubiquitous bun, and I could smell some talcum powder on her. As I took the glass from the tray, I smiled and said to her teasingly “Aunty, you look very beautiful today.”

She blushed at that, and her face creased into a pleased albeit shy smile, causing her prominent cheekbones to stand out, and those really alluring dimples to form on her plump roundish face. I’d never imagined that even a middle-aged woman could blush like this! It pleased me immensely to know that I could have this kind of effect even on a woman her age. But then it was probably easier to please ordinary looking middle-aged women like her, who’d probably heard very few compliments being paid to them in their entire life.

Conscious of herself, her eyes shining, she managed to say “Thank you, beta, You’re very kind...” her voice soft. “It’s just that, just that, Jatin bhai bought me a new saree today...” she added with some awkwardness, referring to the saree she’d worn today. The sheer happiness on her face, at having been gifted something by her otherwise worthless husband, made it worth everything! All of a sudden, I felt very good about myself, and was tempted to wrap my arms around the motherly Kalpana aunty, and embrace her warmly.

“Oh...” I said with a smile that lit up my face “no wonder you’re looking so beautiful, aunty...” I said, turning to look at her husband; who was looking on with a mighty pleased expression on her face. Placing the empty glass on the tray she was holding out for me, I reached out and shook Jatin bhai’s hand “I’m very happy to see this, uncle, I’m really happy...” wanting to also let him know that I appreciated the gesture he’d made towards his wife.

He just shifted on his heavy feet, preening like a rooster who’d just conquered a prime hen, with such a big smile on his face that his eyes almost disappeared into his fleshy pudgy face. “We owe so much to you, beta...” I heard Kalpana aunty say softly from the side, as she gently touched me on my arm.

“Yes, beta, we are really indebted to you...” Jatin bhai added, pursing his lips, and addressing me for the first time as ‘beta’, while he came and placed his heavy hand on my shoulder.

As I stood there between this wonderful housewife, and her slob of a husband, soaking in the gratitude that they were displaying to me, I couldn’t help but feel on top of the world! The color rushed to my cheeks, as I squirmed uncomfortably and said “Oh, stop it please, both of you are embarrassing me now, please...” as I stepped aside from between them.

Not knowing what else to do, I just picked up the tray and the empty glass which Kalpana aunty had placed on the tea-poy, and walked towards the kitchen to put it back.

“Oh, what are you doing, beta...” Kalpana aunty protested immediately, bustling behind me.

“Then you please stop saying things like this...” I admonished them with mock anger.

“Ok, ok, Jignesh bhai...” said Jatin bhai immediately, switching back to his usual tone “Forgive us.” folding his hands together in a gesture of mock apology.

As I returned to the living room, I asked both of them in general “Where’s Jigna, I didn’t see her...” curious to know where she was, since I was rather looking forward to seeing her again. At this, both of them glanced at each other, and something like a knowing smile transpired between husband and wife.

For a brief moment, I had my heart in mouth, because the way Kalpana aunty and Jatin bhai had exchanged that knowing smile, made me wonder if they had somehow learnt about what had been going on between me and their teenage daughter. However, before my heartbeats could go through the roof, Kalpana aunty answered “From the time she’s come back from school, she’s been asking only one question, when is Jignesh bhaiya coming, when is Jignesh bhaiya coming...” a warm motherly smile on her face.

I could manage only an “Oh...” as I realized both of them were looking at me, with a knowing but warm smile on their face. “I’ve just sent her to the kirana store to buy some things, beta, she should be here any minute...” Kalpana aunty added, a warm motherly tone to her voice.

But something in the manner in which husband and wife had looked at each other when I inquired about their teenage daughter, made me a bit apprehensive. I was praying that the innocent but naïve girl would not have blurted out anything to her mother. I could not even imagine what would be their reaction, if they ever came to know how I’d been fooling around with their teenage daughter.

And I also felt terribly guilty about what it would do to their trust. For the moment however, I decided to push away those scary thoughts from my mind, and replied “Uh, ok, I was just wondering where she was, That’s all...” my voice a little unsteady, as I tried hard to read their expression.

“We know, beta, we know...” replied Jatin bhai with a little chuckle, the same enigmatic smile on his rotund face “she also looks forward to you coming here now a days beta, in fact, She’s more fond of you than her own brother now...” he continued amicably with a smile, referring to their son, Dharmesh, who was about my age, and was living with Jatin bhai’s sister in another town, since he had got admitted into a college there.

I just managed an embarrassed smile, as I saw both of them looking at me with that same expression of unreadable fondness.

“Arre, why are you still standing, Jignesh bhai...” said Jatin bhai, mercifully changing the topic.

“Yes, beta, make yourself comfortable, Jigna will be here soon...” Kalpana aunty said to me with a smile again, her eyes looking into mine “let me get on with my cooking now...” she added, as she nodded at me, and disappeared into the kitchen again.

As I sat down on the sofa, I took a deep breath of relief. As Jatin bhai began to pick up the newspapers which were lying scattered around the room, I said “So, uncle, this calls for celebration, no...” a big smile on my face “now that you’ve got the loan, and your business is back on track...” At this, his face brightened, and he beamed.

“Of course, of course...” he gushed “I was telling Kalpu the same thing...” he added aloud, making sure his wife who was in the kitchen also heard him. “Did you hear that, Kalpu...” he hollered from the living room.

“Yes, baba, I heard...” came Kalpana aunty’s voice from the kitchen “you are just lookin for a chance to ‘celebrate’ no...” her tone admonishing him, albeit lightheartedly.

Jatin bhai laughed out at that, before turning to me and saying “Arre, Jignesh bhai, just before you came in, I was telling her that today we should be celebrating, but you know how she is ... she just does not understand us men...” he added with a wink, making sure his wife also heard her.

“Haan, haan, I don’t understand anything...” I heard Kalpana aunty retort from the kitchen, which made both of us smile.

Today I was seeing a new sort of camaraderie between the two of them, and I couldn’t help but marvel at how much of an impact financial security could have on the lives of ordinary folks.

“Tell me, Jignesh bhai...” said Jatin bhai with urgency “what would you like to drink, I will quickly go and get it...” his enthusiasm evident at the prospect of having a drink.

“No, no uncle, I’m fine, I was just...” I protested.

“Arre, Jignesh bhai...” he began to say, I cut him off.

“Uncle, first you please stop calling me ‘Jignesh bhai’, I find that very awkward...” I said to him with mock sternness.

“Ok, ok, I won’t, my son...” he responded immediately, folding his hands in a mock apology once again again “at least now tell me what you would like to drink...” his eyes gleaming as he rubbed his hands together gleefully at the prospect of drinking tonight again.

I knew very well that Kalapan aunty did not take too kindly to his drinking, and I did not want to become the reason for any discord between them going forward. Shaking my head, I said “No, let it be, uncle...”

“Arre, how can I let it be, just now only you said that we should celebrate...” he protested, once again speaking loud enough to be heard in the other room as well.

“Umm, I know, but...” I squirmed.

“But, but what, my dear son...” he coaxed me.

“Umm, I don’t want to do anything that aunty does not like...” I added in a small voice, unable to come up with any other reason at that moment.

Letting out a mock sigh of exasperation, Jatin bhai placed his hands on his hips, and said “Look at this, you will do anything to keep your ‘aunty’ happy, but you cannot do anything for your ‘uncle’s’ joy...” before walking up to the door of the kitchen, and telling his wife “Look ... how much care he has for you...” smiling as he teased her good naturedly.

“Oh, uncle...” I protested.

I didn’t want this to become an issue between them, so I took the initiative, and walked up towards the kitchen, just as Kalpana aunty too came towards us, muttering something under her breath. As she saw me, there was a smile on her face. Coming close to me, she fondly ruffled my hair as she said “You are my laadla, beta, whatever you want, I will never say no...” her voice warm as she looked into my eyes with that fond smile of hers “and I know that you’re happy to see our happiness...” displaying her uncanny ability to read my mind.

“So, beta, I have no problems if you two drink today...” her hands caressing my cheek, as she came really close to me, her big mature breasts under that saree almost brushing against my cheeks, as she smiled at me.

Before I could respond, Jatin bhai clapped his hands together and exclaimed “Good, good, at least now you don’t have any problems, Jignesh bhai...” turning to look at me with a smile. When I just looked at him, he quickly added “Sorry, no calling you Jignesh bhai from now onwards, beta, Jignesh beta...” correcting himself upon seeing my look.

I threw my head back and laughed at that, before turning to Kalpana aunty “Thank you for giving me this honor, aunty...” my tone genuine, as I too reached out and clasped her hand. She squeezed my hand hard in response, and I was thrilled about having this kind of comfort with this family now, that both she and I could freely touch each other, within the realms of decency, even in front of her husband. Stepping back, I announced “Ok, then, if you don’t mind, uncle, I will just go home and get one bottle from my dad’s cupboard...” a satisfied smile on my face.

“Sure, sure, beta, I know you drink only Scotch...” Jatin bhai reverted immediately, his face beginning to almost glow at the prospects of drinking some decent Scotch again. Throwing one more glance at Kalpana aunty, who stood there watching me, I quickly picked up my keys, and headed home to get the bottle from my house. I was back in no time, having depleted my father’s stock of imported whiskey by one more bottle of the ubiquitous Johnnie Walker.

The door of their house was still open when I got back, and as I stepped into their house, I could hear Kalpana aunty in the kitchen.

“Auntie...” I called out, as I stepped into the living room.

“I’m here, beta...” Kalpana aunty replied from the kitchen. As I entered the kitchen, carrying the bottle, I saw that she was busy kneading dough for making pooris on the kitchen platform.

As I placed the black and golden packet containing the bottle of whiskey on the kitchen platform, Kalpana aunty smiled at me and said “He’s just gone out to get some snacks for you to have with your drinks...” as she continued to knead the dough. “You know, he gets excited like a kid at the prospect of drinking...” she added with a wry smile, as she went about kneading the dough, the pair of golden coloured bangles on her wrists jingling.

“I know, aunty, That’s why I didn’t want to, I’m sorry...” I began, only to be cut off by her.

“No, beta, I’m not saying anything to you...” she butted in “when you are there, I have no problems with it, I know you only mean well for us, I have no problems in his drinking in the house, It’s just that I don’t like it when he drinks outside the house, and more so when he’s borrowing money from people, and spending it on sharaab...” she added by way of explanation.

“I know, aunty...” I mumbled.

“But today, I’m very happy, very happy...” she added with a bright smile, as she looked at me, and brushed away a bead of sweat from her forehead with the sleeve of her blouse, her hands covered with the dough as they were. As I stood there leaning against the kitchen platform next to her, she continued “You know, after so many years, today he bought a saree for me, I can’t remember the last time he ever bothered to buy anything for me...” she added with a wry smile, as she went about pummelling the dough into shape.

Even from where I stood, I couldn’t help but notice the way her heavy breasts, encased inside the blouse under her matching maroon-colored saree, shook as she pummelled on the dough. “And you know, beta, today he also got a new dress for Jigna...” she added with pride, as she went about her work.

“You should have seen how excited Jigna was, when she saw that her father had got something for her without her asking for it...” she continued, as she looked at me and smiled. I just nodded my head in understanding and smiled back at her, still amazed at how much joy a little bit of money could bring into ordinary middle class families.

Somewhere down the line, I’d begun to take money for granted, but what I was seeing in this household today, made me look at money with new found respect. “But I will never ever forget to whom we owe this, beta...” she said in a voice thick with emotion, as she looked up from the dough. Her eyes had begun to water, and I saw that she was pursing her lips together to control her emotions. Without thinking of anything else, I stepped forward quickly, and just embraced her from behind, pressing my body to her thick heavy body from behind.

Wrapping my arms around her fleshy belly under the saree, I rested my chin on her shoulder, and said to her with urgency “Aunty, will you please stop that, I told you I don’t like hearing that...” my voice firm, as I held her tight from behind, pressing my pelvis to her massively endowed buttocks under the saree.

“Yes, beta, I know, I know, It’s just that I’m so...” she said in a quavering voice, as she blinked her eyes, and drop of her precious tears rolled down her cheek.

One of the reasons I was so drawn to this middle aged housewife, was the fact that she was perhaps the most loving and kind-hearted person I had met in my life. And for some strange reason, that added to the sexual attraction I felt for her. As she blinked to clear the tears that had clouded her eyes, she threw her head back to nuzzle her cheeks against mine.

Reaching up with one hand, I gently wiped the unwanted tears from her cheeks, a gesture which caused her to close her eyes and let out a contented sigh, as if relishing this small moment of joy with me. As I slid my hand down again to hold her by her belly, pressing myself to her from behind, she said “Yes, today, let us just enjoy the moment...” smiling and nodding to herself.

“And I’m so glad to see that you are also able to be part of our happiness today...” she added wistfully, still nodding, as if speaking to herself. “And with your friend here...” she said with a smile, nodding towards the bottle of whiskey which I’d fetched from home “I’m sure you’ll be able to have a good time...” her tone light hearted, as she nuzzled her cheeks against me, unable to touch me with her hands as they were covered with the wheat flour.

“I don’t care about Mr. Johnnie Walker...” I said with a smile, pressing myself to her further “what I care about is right here, in my arms...” as I slid my hands up under her saree, and cupped both of her heavy firm breasts inside the confines of her blouse and bra. As I felt the incredible heaviness and firmness of her mature breasts, I felt my cock twitch inside my pants, and begin to press against that massive heavy ass of hers.

“Ohhh, beta, ohhh, beta...” she sighed, as she leant back, the bun of her hair resting on my shoulder, as she closed her eyes, genuinely loving the feel of my hands on her mature breasts. Conscious of my surroundings, I glanced at the open door of the living room, for anyone entering the house had a clear line of vision into the kitchen.

As if reading my thoughts, Kalpana aunty said in a husky whisper “Yes, beta, the door is open...” her voice thick.

“So, shall I close the door then...” I replied in a teasing voice, smiling at her, as my fingers caressed the heavy roundness of her breasts, trying to locate the hardness of her nipples. She looked into my eyes as if trying to make out if I was serious.

Even though my tone was teasing, she could see the burning desire in my eyes. “Beta...” she began in an unsteady voice “Jigna, she can come in any moment now...” her tone betraying how she was being torn between what her body wanted, and what her mind was cautioning her against.

But before she could say anything further, I let out a little laugh and said “I know, aunty, I was just joking...”

Giving her huge breasts one more squeeze under her saree, I stepped back from her, releasing her from my grasp. She smiled at me as I did that, and letting out a long sigh, just gazed at the dough she was kneading. Lifting her flour covered hands, she showed me her arms and said “See, beta, what you have done to me...” showing me the goose pimples that had sprung up along her arms, while she smiled warmly.

Taking a quick step towards her, I pressed my pelvis to her huge buttocks, so that she could feel the turgidity of my cock inside my jeans, as I muttered “And see what YOU have done to me, aunty...” I let myself linger for a few seconds in that position, as we both looked into each others’ eyes before stepping back.

Deciding to lighten the sexual tension that had so rapidly build up between us, I announced “Let me take out the glasses, aunty, so that we’re ready when Uncle comes back...”

She showed me where she kept her precious collection of special glasses, that were taken out only for special occasions, in one of the sparse cabinets in their kitchen. As I was taking out the glasses from their cabinet, she began speaking again.

“You know, beta, Jigna has become very fond of you now...” she began. The alarm bells began ringing in my head, as the topic of Jigna began again. I glanced at her from where I was, but she was not looking at my direction, speaking as she began to roll small balls of dough for the pooris between her palms.

“Umm, I’m also very fond of her, aunty...” I responded, try my level best to keep my voice normal, while I pretended to be busy taking out glasses from the cabinet, one after the other.

As if not hearing what I said, Kalpana aunty continued “Ever since she has come back from her picnic, all she has been talking about is, you, Jignesh bhaiya this, and Jignesh bhaiya tha...” her tone casual.

I decided to let her continue, in the hope that she would eventually get to what she was trying to tell me.

“Yesterday night, after Jatin bhai had gone to sleep, I was asking her about her picnic...” she continued, her lone pair of gold bangles on both the wrists jingling as she rolled the dough into little balls.

“And she kept telling me, again and again, that she really missed Jignesh bhaiya, and that it would have been so much fun if Jignesh bhaiya was also with her for the picnic...” her tone that of casual conversation.

Even though my trepidation was rising at where she was leading to, I couldn’t help but feel pleased inwardly at how much this sexy teenage girl seemed besotted with me. Going about her work, Kalpana aunty continued “You know how it is with girls her age no, beta, they are growing up, and they feel many things, which, which they don’t fully understand...” speaking as she went about her work.

Turning to look at what I was doing, she asked “Do you understand what I’m saying, beta...” a faint smile on her face.

I pretended not to look at her, as I busied myself with rinsing the glasses and wiping them clean with a piece of cloth one by one. “Um, yes, aunty...” I mumbled, trying to keep my voice casual, without looking at her.

“What I’m trying to say, beta...” she continued “is that I can see that she is, she is, very attracted to you...” hesitating for the first time since she began this conversation.

My heart was in my mouth now, and I had almost stopped breathing, beginning to worry about where this was headed.

I decided to keep mum, and just went about fidgeting with cleaning the glasses. I realized it was probably easier for her also to talk to me about this subject without looking at my face, and decided to keep it that way.

“You know what, beta?” she asked me suddenly, waiting for my response.

Turning to look at her, I saw that she had paused at her work, and was looking at me expectantly, a faint smile on her lips.

“Umm, know what, aunty?” I asked, pretending to be fool.

“You know that she is very attracted to you, beta, Don’t you?” she repeated her question, that same faint enigmatic smile on her face.

Even though I was on dangerous grounds, the look on her face as she asked me this question was reassuring. Deciding to play it safe, I replied “Umm, I don’t know, aunty, I mean...” my tone unsure and guarded.

Giving me a wane smile at my uncomfortable response, she said “I know, beta, I’m a woman after all, I know how girls feel...” her tone patient and motherly. “And I also know that you’re also very fond of her, aren’t you, beta?” she quizzed me again, her eyes boring into mine, as if trying to read them, even though she maintained that same warm smiling expression.

“Umm, aunty, yes, I mean, of course, She’s a very nice girl, I like her a lot...” I mumbled, shrugging my shoulders as if trying to be very casual like her.

She was silent for a moment, as if waiting for me to say something else.

“I mean, yes, I’m very fond of her, aunty...” I added, unable to bear her gaze, pursing my lips in a wry smile. There was an awkward moment of silence, and I didn’t know what else to say.

Just as she opened her mouth to say something, I blurted out “She probably misses her brother, aunty, and maybe, maybe she, maybe that’s why she’s...” letting my words hang.

Kalpana aunty just smiled at me warmly upon hearing these words from my lips, and I didn’t know if she’d seen through my ruse, and was just being patient with me. At that moment, I had no way of knowing if she was trying to tell me to stay away from her teenage daughter. After a while, she just nodded her head slowly and said “Yes, yes, she love you like her brother, that much I know, and I can also see that you also love her, like your sister...” pausing there, and looking into my eyes, as if waiting to see what my reaction to that was, before continuing “But, it is also more than that...” her tone knowing, yet enigmatic.

When I looked at her dumbly, she added “What I meant is, she looks upon you with something, something more than, just brotherly love...” once again gazing at my face, as we stood across each other on opposite ends of their small kitchen. “You know what I mean, right beta...” she asked me softly.

“Uh, what, aunty...” I mumbled, deciding to play the fool for now, even though I fully understood what she was trying to ask me.

With a little shake of her head, she washed her hands in the kitchen sink, and wiping them on the pallu of her saree, came towards me. I watched with mounting trepidation as she approached me. Taking both of my hands in hers, she looked at me with a serious but kind expression and said “Beta, I love you like my own son, Don’t I?” looking at me with her large dark eyes, her heavy plump face tilted to one side.

“Yes, aunty, I also love you like...” I mumbled, swallowing as I looked at her face.

“But I also love you in another way, don’t I...” she said softly, looking into my eyes, as she took hold of my sweating hands, and placed them on her heavy big breasts over the saree, pressing her lush heavy body to mine. Placing her palm over mine and pressing them gently to her bosom, she asked again “Don’t I, beta...”

“Yes, yes, aunty...” I mumbled, my mouth dry by now, as I struggled to cope with this incredibly uncomfortable situation. Tilting her head to one side as she looked at me, she said softly “It’s the same way with Jigna also, beta...” smiling softly, as if explaining something to me like a mother would to her child.

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