Tale of Teenage Lust - Cover

Tale of Teenage Lust

Copyright© 2024 by Hardy Boys

Chapter 24

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 24 - Jignesh is a young man that comes into some money. That changes his life drastically opening up opportunities to make his fantasies true. Women old and young fall for the strapping young man hoping score some of that money. But not all are alike.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Daughter   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Lactation   Massage   Oral Sex   Petting   Tit-Fucking   BBW   Big Breasts  

After a hot shower, I hit the bed. I slept through the rest of the afternoon and woke up only around 6:30 pm. With all the exercise I had been getting these days, I didn’t feel the need for a workout. So I decided to go for a jog in the evening, something I’d not done for a while. Changing into a pair of shorts and a sweat-shirt, I pulled on my running shoes and headed out for a run. After working up a good sweat running for nearly 30 minutes, I reached home, feeling tired yet fresh. It was nearing 7:30 pm, and as I opened the door, I noticed that a small piece of paper had been slid under the door when I was away. Intrigued, I picked up the piece of paper. It was a note from Mayuri ben, written in her classical school teacher hand writing. It read “Dear Jignesh beta, please call as soon as you see this. Yours, Mayuri aunty” I reckoned she’d come here when I was away on my run, and not finding me at home, had left the note.

Curious, I picked up the phone and dialed her number. After a few rings, Seema didi answered the phone. “Hello didi...” I said cheerfully, “aunty had left a note asking me to call.”

“Oh ... yes Jignesh bhai...” she answered in a somewhat hesitant voice that I just couldn’t place “One minute, I’ll give the phone to mummy...” she said.

After a few second, Mayuri ben came on the line. “Thank you for calling, beta...” she said in her heavy voice “I’d tried calling you earlier, but I think you were not at home ... so I came to your place also ... but the door was locked...”

“Oh, sorry to have missed you aunty,” I said politely “I’d gone for a jog ... I just got back...”

She seemed to hesitate for a moment, before she continued “Alright beta ... the reason I called is...” pausing for a moment again “Amisha had been asking me permission to go and spend the night with one of her friends for a long time now ... so today I thought I will allow her...” she said in a somewhat uncertain voice. Wondering where this conversation was headed, I waited patiently. “So ... today ... I and Seema are alone at home ... and I was wondering if ... if you would like to come here ... and ... and spend the night with us...” she finished, her tone expectant.

“Oh...” I muttered, my brain working furiously. The lusty Mayuri ben had sent her younger daughter away, and cleared the scene for me to spend the night at her place.

Needless to say, I was enthralled at the prospects. “Umm ... aunty ... but do you think Seema didi wouldn’t mind that...” I asked, deciding to play the reluctant boy role to perfection. “Oh no, beta ... why would Seema mind ... she would love to have you here ... Don’t you know by now that she loves you as much as I do ... may be more...” she replied instantly. Sensing my hesitation, she added in a hushed tone “Beta ... Alka came here on the way back from your place ... and ... she told me how kind you were to her...”

Then as if unsure of what she was able to say next, she continued “And beta ... when I asked her ... she also told me ... that ... you did not ... I mean ... did not do it with her...”

It took me a fraction of a second to register what she was trying to convey. I could imagine how the brazen Mayuri ben would’ve quizzed poor Alka bhabhi, and coaxed the gory details from her.

“Beta ... are you there...” she asked, my silence unsettling her.

“Uh ... yes, aunty...” I said.

“So beta ... I thought ... umm ... I thought that perhaps you will feel better if you come here ... and spend the night with me and Seema...” she added, in a tone that was seductive as well as compassionate.

I couldn’t help but marvel at the way this lusty woman’s brain worked. She was talking about my sexual needs the way other mature women would talk about my basic needs like food and shelter. It was as if she’d taken it upon herself to feed my sexual hunger.

“You’ll come right, beta...” she asked in a seductive tone, trying her level best to convince me.

“Umm ... ok aunty ... if you say so...”

“Oh, wonderful...” she exclaimed gleefully, cutting me off. “Then you have dinner with us, ok beta ... We’re both waiting for you...” she said in a pleased voice.

Mumbling my assent, I hung up the phone.

Kalpana aunty was supposed to bring me my dinner as always, and I was wondering what excuse I’d cook up today for declining her tiffin. I called her up all the same, and explained to her that I’d been invited by one of my friends for dinner at his house, and therefore she need not bring the tiffin.

The disappointment in her voice was evident as she said “Oh ... ok beta ... I was thinking of calling you here for dinner ... in fact Jatin bhai was telling me to call you ... and Jigna was also looking forward to seeing you.”

I sighed under my breath, torn between the choices I had before me for the night. I too was looking forward to seeing the hot Jigna after she’d returned from her picnic.

Taking a decision quickly, I said “Oh aunty ... That’s so nice of you ... but my friend had been calling me home for so many days now ... there was just no way I could refuse today...” trying my best to sound sincere. “But I promise I’ll come there tomorrow, aunty...” I added for good measure.

“Oh that will be wonderful, beta...” she replied, seeming sufficiently mollified. “Do say hi to Jigna, aunty...” I said before I hung up the phone. Having taken care of that little issue, I quickly showered to wash off the sweat I had worked up.

My cock had taken a real pounding today, and I was a little apprehensive of how well it’d be able to perform tonight. On a sudden inspiration, I grabbed a can of Red Bull from the fridge and downed it quickly. Red Bulls were something of a rarity those days, and I was lucky to have a little stock of it in my fridge thanks to one of my friend’s dad who’d just returned from an overseas trip. Praying that the ginseng-based drink would live up its claim of improving one’s stamina, I headed for Mayuri ben’s house.

When I reached Mayuri ben’s house and rang the bell, the door was opened by Seema didi.

“Oh hello Jignesh bhai...” she exclaimed brightly, a warm smile on her face.

“Hi didi...” I said cheerfully, my eyes taking in her decked up beauty. For a change, she was wearing a traditional Gujarati saree today, worn with the pallu on her right shoulder. It was not a style that was usually preferred by unmarried women, but for some reasons it made the buxom Seema didi look incredibly sexy.

A bell shaped golden earring dangled from her ears, and she wore a rather elaborate golden necklace around her thick neck. Two pairs of golden bangles adorned both her fleshy hands. Her plump wheat-complexioned face had just the hint of make-up on it, and she’d applied a very subtle shade of dark lipstick on her thick luscious lips. “Didi ... you look beautiful ... I’ve never seen you in a saree before ... you look wonderful in it...” I said sincerely, a smile on my face.

She blushed, and said “Oh thank you, Jignesh bhai ... I was...” she managed to mumble, her face flushing with pleasure at my compliment.

Hearing my voice, Mayuri ben came out from the kitchen. “How are you beta...” she greeted me warmly with a smile, coming close to me and embracing me “nice of you to come.”

“Hello aunty...” I replied awkwardly, uncomfortable at her embracing me like this in front of her daughter. I glanced awkwardly at Seema didi as Mayuri ben wrapped her hands around my back and hugged me, that heavy mature body of hers with those mammoth breasts of hers pressing against my torso. To my relief, Seema didi looked at me with fondness and just smiled.

Letting go off me, Mayuri ben turned to Seema and said “See ... I had told you that Jignesh will like it if you wear a saree...” as if proving a point. Seema just smiled uncomfortably and blushed again. Turning to me, she said “Oh beta ... she was so uncomfortable to wear a saree ... saying that you will not like it ... but I told her that I know my Jignesh beta ... and I know what he likes ... so she very reluctantly agreed...”

Pleased at the effort that was being put in to make me happy, I looked at Seema didi and said with a smile “Of course ... she looks beautiful in a saree...” Both mother and daughter beamed upon hearing this.

Seema didi’s saree seemed to be one that she reserved for special occasions like weddings or family functions, a maroon coloured chiffon one with plenty of tinsel work on it that shimmered in the artificial light. On the other hand, Mayuri ben wore one of her trademark white sarees, which I’d seen often wear to her school where she taught primary grade kids, and was devoid of any fancy adornments, and was accompanied by a matching white blouse. I could see the thick outlines of her bra under her white blouse at the shoulder. “You came just in time, beta...” she said, bustling into the kitchen.

As Seema didi followed her, I too trailed them. She’d made aam ras and poori, one my favorites and my mouth watered at the smell of the pooris being fried. For the ones who’re not familiar with Gujarat cuisine, aam ras is freshly crushed mango pulp, which is a great accompaniment with hot freshly fried pooris, wheat pancakes deep friend in oil. Both mother and her daughter fawned over me, ensuring that while Mayuri ben fried the pooris, Seema kept a steady supply of them coming to my plate. Even as I was eating to my heart’s content, relishing the food, I couldn’t help but admire the way Seema didi looked bustling from the kitchen to the living room in her elaborately adorned saree.

Her heavy breasts, concealed under the saree, brushed against my head a couple of times when she came to serve me the pooris. When I glanced at her, she smiled shyly, aware that her little gesture had not gone unnoticed. I felt like some royalty who was being served by these two women, one a mature mother of two, and the other, her own buxom daughter. The Red Bull seemed to have revived me, and my tired cock, since I felt my cock stiffen even while I was eating, as I contemplated the night ahead of me.

Once, when she was serving me hot poori, I said to her with a smile “Didi ... you smell great...” having noted that she was wearing some really good perfume. She beamed upon hearing that, and lowering her head to almost whisper in my ear, said “Thank you Jignesh bhai ... That’s because I have used the perfume you gifted me...” a fond expression on her face. This was the second time she was telling me exactly the same thing, and I mentally patted myself for having thought of that.

Once I’d eaten my fill, I excused myself and washed my hands in the small washbasin in their kitchen. Only after I’d finished did they sit down to eat. To their immense surprise and pleasure, I insisted on serving them as they ate; a gesture that won me a few more brownie points with this mother-daughter pair. Once they’d finished, and were clearing the plates, I settled down to watch the daily news on their old barely functional TV. I made a mental note to buy a new TV for this household, as a thank you gesture for what they’d been doing for me.

After finishing washing the vessels, Mayuri ben and Seema didi returned to the living room. Sitting down on the couch next to me, Mayuri ben placed her pudgy hand on my thigh and asked “So beta ... did you like the food aunty made for you today...” her thick blunt featured face creasing into a smile. “Oh it was yummy, aunty ... I loved it...” I said earnestly, even as I watched her remove her spectacles and clean them on the pallu of her white saree.

Seema was standing there at the door, and when Mayuri ben looked towards her, she asked in a small voice “Um ... shall I go inside, mummy...”

“Yes, beti ... you go inside ... and make the bed ready for Jignesh beta...” she said matter of factly. I noticed that some unsaid message had been passed on to Seema didi by her mother, and she just nodded her head in understanding. Giving me a tentative smile, Seema didi vanished into their bedroom. For a while I’d forgotten the primary reason for my being here. Seeing Seema didi go into the bedroom, it came back to me suddenly as to why I was here.

As awkwardness with the whole setup crept into me, I felt Mayuri ben shift and slide closer to me on their sofa. Gazing at me through those gold-rimmed spectacles I’d gifted her, she asked softly “Beta, are you happy with Seema?”

“Uh ... yes aunty ... Why’re you asking a question like that...” I replied, my face reflecting my puzzlement. Continuing to gaze at me, as her hands gently caressed my thighs, she replied “Nothing ... I just felt like you were a little tense...” looking at me closely.

“Oh nothing like that aunty...” I replied, avoiding her piercing gaze.

Leaning towards me, pressing her humongous mammaries to my arms, she reached out to touch my chin and asked in a low voice “Tell me, beta ... what is bothering you ... I can see it in your eyes...” her eyes still boring into mine.

Dropping my gaze, I let out a sigh and said “Oh aunty ... I don’t know ... I am still not comfortable with ... umm ... with doing these things ... this way ... with Seema didi...” Looking at her, I continued “Are you sure aunty ... that ... that she is fine with it ... I mean I hope she’s not doing something that she doesn’t want to do...” the expression on my face relaying the hesitation I felt.

Mayuri ben shook her head and smiled. Then placing her left arm around my back and leaning towards me so that her massive breasts were once again pressed to my shoulders, she said in a gentle voice “Oh beta ... why do you still have doubts ... do you think I don’t know my own daughter...” continuing to look into my eyes. Seeing that I still did not seem to be convinced, she continued “Do you know what she told me after you went to her at the massage parlor?” a loving expression on her face.

“What did she say?” I asked, looking at her.

“She said ... that after the way you treated her that day ... she has in her heart given her body and soul to you...” that same fond expression on her face.

“You are not a customer for her, Jignesh beta ... you are so much more for her ... you are the first man who has treated her with respect ... in spite of knowing what work she does...” she continued, a serious expression on her face.

As I looked at Mayuri ben, I couldn’t decide whether I should hate her for what she was getting her daughter to do, or love her for the same. Shaking my head, I sighed “Oh aunty ... That’s just because she’s such a wonderful human being ... what have I done...” dropping my gaze to my lap.

“So what do you think beta? You don’t want her?” she said gently, once again caressing my thigh.

Sensing my discomfort, she said “But if you don’t want her, beta ... then I won’t force you...” her voice conveying her disappointment.

“Oh aunty ... you know that’s not true ... you know how I feel...” I said, placing my hand over hers and squeezing her fingers.

She beamed on hearing that, and snuggling up closer to me, slid her hand upwards on my thigh till her fingers came to rest on my crotch. I was wearing a pair of comfortable khakis along with a polo-neck t-shirt, and thanks to some extent to the trusty Red Bull, my cock had stiffened considerably inside my pants.

Feeling the lump in my pants with her thick fingers, she smiled at me seductively, a merry twinkle in her bespectacled eyes. Caressing my hardness through the thick fabric of my khakis, she said huskily “I can feel it beta ... how you feel...” her fingers gently squeezing my hardness.

“Oh aunty...” I whispered, turned on immensely by her gesture. “I can’t help it whenever I am near you, aunty...” I said softly, a helpless expression on my face.

“I know, beta ... I know...” she said in a low voice, continuing to caress my hardness through my pants

“I know that you are more attracted to me ... than Seema...” Continuing to gaze at me with that loving expression, she continued “I take that as a huge compliment, beta ... this...” once again squeezing my hardening member through my khakis “and that’s why I’ve invited you to spend the night with both of us ... I know that you need me also ... and that ... having me also there with you ... will help you ... umm ... perform better...” she added, slightly embarrassed at what she herself was saying.

My cock gave an involuntary lurch inside my khakis on hearing how this mature woman was inviting me to fuck her and her daughter together!

I had no idea this was what her plan was, since I was under the impression that it was just going to be me spending the night with Seema alone. My heartbeat went up noticeably when I realized that tonight was actually going to be a threesome with Mayuri ben and her daughter Seema!

“Ohh aunty...” I groaned “yes, it will mean a great deal to me also ... if you’re there ... I will need your guidance, aunty ... to...” my voice hoarse, even as I placed my hand over hers in my lap and pressed it to my hardness.

“Yes, beta ... I know...” she said reassuringly “and I promise you tonight will be the best night you’ve ever had in your life...” her voice too husky with the arousal she too possibly felt at the thought of having a young stud like me in her bed along with her young daughter.

“Come, beta...” she said huskily, getting up from the sofa and pulling me by the hand “Seema will be waiting for you...” I got up and followed her meekly, pulled along by her hand.

As I followed Mayuri ben, and entered their master bedroom, I saw Seema didi sitting on the bed, with her knees bent and pulled up towards her bosom. Upon seeing us, she got up from the bed and came towards me, her anklets making a soft jingling sound. The bedroom was dimly lit, with only an old night lamp on in a corner. The curtains were drawn, though the ventilators on top of the windows were left open to let the cool outside air come in. On the whole, it was a very romantic ambiance in the room, with the fan rotating at a moderate speed, causing the curtains to billow intermittently.

As Seema didi came towards me, she went down on her knees and touched my feet.

“What are you doing didi?” I exclaimed, bending forward instantly to hold her by her shoulders and pull her up.

“Bless her beta...” Mayuri ben said softly from my side “That she should get happiness later in life ... and also a good husband.” Raising her head to look at me as Mayuri ben said these words, Seema didi gazed at me with her big round moist eyes.

This display of devotion and love was too much for me to take, and with a groan I pulled Seema didi to her feet. On an impulse, I pulled her towards me and hugged her tightly; unmindful of the fact that Mayuri ben was also in the room. As her head rested against my shoulder, and I felt her firm heavy breasts under the saree press against my chest, I kissed her gently on her head and said softly “Who am I to bless you, Didi ... I am ... I will just do this prayer ... May God give you all the happiness that you deserve.” my voice hoarse with emotion.

Seema didi just shivered, and wrapped her hands around my back, holding on to me tightly. As I glanced at Mayuri ben, I saw her quickly wipe a tear that had rolled down her cheek. After all, perhaps this woman was not the heartless slut that I’d thought she was, I thought to myself. With a gentle smile, she too approached us, and wrapped her thick fleshy arms around both of us. We stood like that for a moment; all three of us lost in our own private thoughts. After a while, I pulled away from both of them awkwardly.

Taking my hand, Mayuri ben led me to the bed, and said softly “Come beta...” her eyes conveying that she wanted me to get on to the bed. The bed was a full-sized double bed, and they had put a fresh white sheet on the bed. As if in preparation for the night, three old but comfortable pillows were propped up at the head of the bed, encased with matching white pillow covers.

As I settled down on the bed, my back resting against the pillow at the head of the bed, Mayuri ben began to take off her plain white saree. As I watched her, my mouth dry with anticipation, she looked at Seema didi and said to her gently “Take off your saree too, beti...” in her native tongue, indicating that she wanted her daughter also to take off her saree. “Yes, mummy...” Seema didi replied in a soft whisper, glancing once at me, before pulling her eyes away.

My stiff cock hardened further when I heard this mature lady tell her daughter to remove her saree, in front of me. My breath quickening, I watched with rapt attention as first Mayuri ben, and then Seema didi proceeded to undrape the saree from their bodies. Mayuri ben’s humungous breasts encased in that old fashioned white blouse came to my view first, as she removed the saree completely and dropped in on the floor near the bed. The matching white petticoat which she wore underneath was tied well below her huge flabby belly, and her deep navel was on display for me between the fleshy folds of her belly.

Seema didi on the other hand, was avoiding looking at me, as she too quickly untied her maroon chiffon saree from her body. As she also dropped her saree, albeit carefully, on a chair next to the bed, I was presented with the sight of her magnificent firm, fleshy and heavy set body clad only in her maroon blouse and matching petticoat. Her firm breasts seemed to be straining to come out of her rather tight blouse, and her belly although not exactly flat, had just the right amount of flesh on it.

As Mayuri ben got on the bed, and settled down with her back towards the headrest, right next to me, Seema didi stood there tentatively, in only her blouse and petticoat looking incredibly sexy in the dim light, her dangling earrings, the elaborate necklace, and those bangles on her hands, glittering mildly in the dim light. Mayuri ben nodded to her, and she came towards the bed, and slid up on it, to sit next to me. Not knowing what to do next, and my heart thudding in my chest at this incredible set up, I turned to look at Mayuri ben, a helpless expression in my eyes.

“Lie down, beta...” she said to me gently, pushing me down.

I slid forward on the bed, and lay down stiffly, my head resting on the comfortable firm cotton pillow.

“One minute, beta...” she said to me softly, and leaning forward began to pull my t-shirt off my torso. Paralyzed with excitement, I mutely raised my hand and allowed her to peel off my t-shirt from my torso. Dropping it on the floor alongside her discarded saree, Mayuri ben placed her pudgy palm on my well-muscled chest, and said softly “Remember, beta ... we both love you very much...” her hot breath against mine. “Come on, beti...” she said to Seema didi gently, beckoning to her to come closer to me.

As Seema didi complied and slid towards me on the bed, still sitting sideways, with her feet bent at the knees. In this position, she was sitting on my left side, facing me, with her back towards my feet. Mayuri ben on the other hand, was sitting on my right side, with her back towards the headrest of the bed, and her feet stretched out towards the foot of the bed. A silent nod was exchanged between mother and daughter, as Mayuri ben cradled my head in her thick arms, and bending towards me, kissed me full on my lips. “Oh beta...” she moaned softly, as she caressed my cheeks and thrust her tongue into my mouth.

“Unnhh...” I moaned under my breath, as I felt Mayuri begin to tongue my mouth passionately, her heavy mammoth breasts in the blouse, resting heavily on my shoulder. Just as I closed my eyes to enjoy the sensation of the lusty Mayuri ben kissing me, I felt Seema didi also bend forward, and placing her palm on my taut belly, begin to kiss my chest. “Unnhh...” I moaned again, as I felt Seema didi begin to place soft tender kisses on my chest and belly, and then to my intense arousal, beginning to run her tongue along my chest and nipples.

My arms were pinned down on either side of me by both these women leaning on me, and I had no choice but to lie there and enjoy the sensation. The mammoth-breasted mother tonguing my mouth passionately, while the firm-breasted daughter was kissing and licking my chest, paying special attention to my tiny erect nipples. Pulling her mouth away from mine, Mayuri ben said softly to Seema didi “Come here, beti...” Seema didi straightened from where she was bent over my chest, and slid forward toward my face, still sitting on the bed on her knees. “Take off your necklace, beti ... otherwise it will hurt Jignesh...” she said gently.

I couldn’t help but be amazed at how thoughtful this lusty widow was. As Seema didi reached behind her neck to undo the clasp of her elaborate necklace, Mayuri ben looked down at me fondly from where she was half lying by my side, and holding my head propped up in her fleshy arms. Placing the necklace on the chair which was lying next to the bed, Seema didi slid forward towards me again on her knees. She glanced at her mother once, as if asking for some permission, and then getting the signal to go ahead from her mother, she bent forward and gently kissed me on my mouth.

She cupped my face with both her hands, and kissed me gently. The contrast in the way she kissed me couldn’t be more evident. While Mayuri ben had thrust her tongue into my mouth, and kissed me wantonly, Seema didi seemed to gently probe my lips with her tongue, as if seeking permission to open my mouth. With a groan, I opened my mouth and slid my tongue into her mouth. As our tongues intertwined, she moaned softly, and began to kiss me with passion, albeit gently.

Mayuri ben, who was still cradling my head in her arms, was watching us fondly, and then began to gently caress my chest with her pudgy hand. As I closed my eyes, and kissed Seema didi, Mayuri ben slid her hand down my torso, till it eventually came to rest on my erection protruding through my khaki pants. Placing her palm on my hardness through my pants, she squeezed it gently, eliciting another moan from me. Feeling my body shudder when Mayuri ben squeezed my cock, Seema pulled her lips away gently and sat up again. Her thick lips were parted, and some of the subtle lipstick she’d applied had come off, deposited on my lips instead.

She was breathing a little faster now, and I could see how sexy she looked with a few strands of her tightly tied hair in disarray and her firm bosom encased so tightly inside her blouse, heaving gently. “Didi...” I said huskily, extracting my left hand from where it was trapped between her legs and my hips, and reaching out to touch her breasts. Sensing what I needed, she leant forward again, and taking my hand in hers, pressed it against the firm flesh of her breasts inside the blouse and bra.

Seeing this, Mayuri ben extracted her arm from under my head, where she’d been cradling my head, and sat up on the bed. Turning to her daughter, she said “Seema, take off your blouse.” The way Mayuri ben was instructing her daughter on what to do and when, was turning me on immensely, and I turned to look at her with an expression of lust. She looked at me and smiled that same fond smile of her. Continuing to smile, she began to unbutton the hooks of her own blouse too, as Seema too started to do the same.

Lying on the bed like this, in between these two voluptuous women, a mother and her own daughter, watching them as they opened the hooks of their blouse, a little shiver went through my spine. Mayuri ben was the first to take off her blouse, and as she pulled it down her sleeves and dropped it on the floor, I was presented with the sight of her incredibly large breasts struggling to remain confined inside that matronly white bra of hers. In contrast, Seema didi, who had also managed to take off her blouse now, was clad in a black bra, her rounded breasts, firm and heavy in her lacy black bra.

I licked my lips inadvertently, as I watched these two contrasting pair of bra-clad breasts. “Take off my bra too, mummy?” Seema didi asked her mother in almost a whisper, her eyes darting shyly to mine.

Feeling Mayuri ben’s gaze on mine, I turned to look at her. There was a questioning smile on her face, as if she was seeking my opinion on the matter. I just nodded my head. Smiling, she looked at her daughter and said gently “Yes beti, take it off.” The manner in which Mayuri ben was in control of her daughter amazed me.

As Seema didi reached behind her back to open the hooks of her bra, I was surprised to see Mayuri ben also do the same. Pulling off her bra from her shoulders, Mayuri ben bared those huge flabby breasts of hers to my view again.

I saw Seema didi also glance at her mother’s breasts with a hint of envy, as Mayuri ben hefted one of her heavy volleyball sized mature sagging breasts in her hand, and fed it to me. With a groan, I took hold of the heavy flesh of her tits, and opening my mouth clamped my mouth around the proffered thick erect nipple.

At the same time, as my face by buried in the mammary flesh of Mayuri ben, and I was starting to suck ardently on them, I felt Seema didi take my left hand in hers, and press it to her bared breasts also. Pulling my face away from Mayuri ben’s breasts, I looked at Seema didi. She was gazing at me intently, as she pressed my palm to the firm flesh of her heavy rounded breasts. The contrast of the feel of their breasts couldn’t be any starker; Mayuri ben’s mammaries feeling soft and saggy, while Seema didi’s ones feeling firm and hard.

The source of this story is Indian Erotica

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